Fake news again! Really! How dare they?

President Donald Trump unleashed a Twitter torrent Friday morning following days of punishing headlines over his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey.


Trump’s tweetstorm railed against the “fake media” and those who expect his surrogates to defend him with “perfect accuracy,” while giving a stern warning to Comey that he “better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”


AM ET President Trump Unleashes on Fired FBI Director James Comey and ‘Fake Media
NBC News


Fake news again! Really! How dare they?
That Comey was tossed out on Tuesday!
The fellow kept digging
straight into my wigging!
I booted him right out the doorway!

Eric Linden, 5/11/17

So when Comey was summoned one night

“The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.




“As described by the two people, the dinner offers a window into Mr. Trump’s approach to the presidency, through Mr. Comey’s eyes. A businessman and reality television star who never served in public office, Mr. Trump may not have understood that by tradition, F.B.I. directors are not supposed to be political loyalists, which is why Congress in the 1970s passed a law giving them 10-year terms to make them independent of the president.”


In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred.
The New York Times



So when Comey was summoned one night
to a one-on-one dinner delight
with his majesty trump,
he was played for a chump
by demands for a loyalty rite.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/11/17

We’re determined to duly resist

“We just desperately hope you’ll be part of the way forward with the rest of us who see that the monster isn’t under the bed—it isn’t Muslim or gay or Democrat or Republican.


The real monster isn’t even one man with a great capacity for evil and an unprecedented power to wield it.


The real monster is hatred and the silence that feeds it.


And the monster must be stopped.”


John Pavlovitz


We’re determined to duly resist
being duped by a crazed narcissist;
Let us signal alarm
at incalculable harm
from the words that he wields like a fist.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/10/17

Now a journalist’s under arrest

“So I persisted,” said Heyman, a journalist for Public News Service who had been wearing his press pass during the incident. “At some point, I think they decided I was too persistent trying to do my job.”




“He wasn’t doing anything different than what happens every day around the country, which is a reporter trying to get a question answered,” said Heyman’s attorney, Tim DiPiero on Wednesday. DiPiero also said he failed to see how Price walking through a hallway in the state house was a government process that Heyman interfered with.


<p align="right"Reporter arrested while trying to ask Trump health-care chief Tom Price questions about Obamacare replacement



Now a journalist’s under arrest
for exclaiming too loud as he pressed
on repeal and replace
and its goal to erase
the protections already assessed.

Lily Beth Baker, 5/10/17


We need a diversion

The shock sacking of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday represents an attempt by the Republican administration to distract public attention from the damaging revelations contained in Sally Yates’s testimony before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee the previous day, former Senator and Governor (D-FL) Bob Graham told i24NEWS.


“We’re in a state of mutually assured destruction,” Graham said, referring to the partisan discord in Washington. “It seems as if both sides are trying to lob the biggest bomb they can at the other in order to get the public’s attention off the last bomb.”


“I think the timing is very suspect, that it would be done the day after this very damning testimony by Miss Yates relative to the President’s handling of information that indicated that his number one national security advisor compromised himself to the Russians,” Graham further added.


Comey sacking ‘a diversion from Yates testimony’: Bob Graham to i24NEWS
i24NEWS Americas


I’ll bet it was getting some hotter
for POTUS or maybe his dotter.
“We need a diversion
to stop this occursion!”
sez he, that precedent rotter.

Eric Linden, 5/10/17

Trump’s Wall

“The true test of the wall’s feasibility may boil down to property: The government only owns about a third of the land along the nearly 2,000-mile border between Mexico and the United States, and obtaining the rest would require untying a knot of legal and ownership issues.


While the government can use broad eminent domain powers—the right of the government to expropriate private property for public use, with fair payment—past border security efforts have shown that tactic to be both tricky and time-consuming.”


Trump’s border wall: A land grab from American property owners



With the stroke of a pen you can order
a wall they will buy– reconnoiter
and they’ll work for a song
if you build it along
the original Mexican border.

Lily Beth Baker, 5/9/17

Why Now?

“The decision by a President whose campaign associates are under investigation by the FBI for collusion with Russia to fire the man overseeing that investigation, upon the recommendation of an Attorney General who has recused himself from that investigation, raises profound questions about whether the White House is brazenly interfering in a criminal matter,” Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement. The House committee is looking into Russian interference in the election.


Some Republicans were also concerned. “I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey’s termination,” said Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is also examining Russian meddling. “I have found Director Comey to be a public servant of the highest order, and his dismissal further confuses an already difficult investigation by the Committee.”


President Trump fires FBI Director Comey
The Washington Post



Perhaps he deserved to be fired,
but the person who’s apt to be hired,
will likely rescind
and promptly upend
all the evidence agents acquired.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/9/17


“Enormously Disappointing”

“Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates fired back Monday when Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) attempted to corner her over her opposition to President Trump’s immigration executive order. At a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, Cornyn informed Yates that he found it ‘enormously disappointing’ that she ‘somehow vetoed the decision of the Office of Legal Counsel with regard to the lawfulness of the president’s order’ just because she happened ‘to disagree with it as a policy matter.’


Yates refused to let Cornyn reduce the debate to just a ‘policy matter.'”


This GOP senator tried to shame Sally Yates for opposing Trump’s travel ban. She demolished him.
The Week



Defying the law he was sworn in
to serve, POTUS flipped off her warnin’.
Now bullying Sally
serves only to rally
contempt for the arrogant Cornyn.

Mary Boren, 5/8/17


The frat boys are throwing a party

“Never confuse motion for action, Republicans. And your “famous” victory may be Pyrrhic. Fortunately, this horrible health care legislation has a long way to go through the Senate before Donald Trump gets the chance to affix his EKG-like signature. As South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted yesterday, ‘A bill — finalized yesterday, has not been scored, amendments not allowed, and 3 hours final debate — should be viewed with caution.'”


America’s Health Is in the Hands of GOP Frat Boys



The frat boys are throwing a party
today in their cocky upstarty
afterglow of the game,
but in time’s Hall of Shame
they’ll go down as the height of foolhardy.

Mary Boren, 5/4/2017



“It was a small illustration of how casually the president throws out questionable information that sounds good, even when he could easily — and truthfully — have made the same point about his crowd without hyperbole. (And as he accused the media of dishonesty).”


I tweeted a photo of the Trump rally crowd — and then things got crazy


At revival-like rallies he feeds
his insatiable ravenous needs
to suckle on praise
while he blathers and brays
to a base still consuming his screeds

Lily Beth Baker, 4/30/17