“The latest disclosures — and the Trump administration’s contradictory accounts of them — have deepened the questions about Russia’s role in the election and its aftermath. The affair has fueled calls for congressional and independent investigations, and toppled another close Trump aide, Michael T. Flynn, who resigned as national security adviser last month after admitting he had misled the administration over his contacts with Mr. Kislyak.”
Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself from Russia InquiryThe New York Times
“The National Security Agency risks a brain-drain of hackers and cyber spies due to a tumultuous reorganization and worries about the acrimonious relationship between the intelligence community and President Donald Trump, according to current and former NSA officials and cybersecurity industry sources.”
NSA Risks Talent Exodus Amid Morale Slump: Trump Fears
With Flynn off the stage and away,
Now Sessions leaps into this play.
Just watching them dance
In their bright, flaming pants—
It’s a virtual Russian ballet!
© Colleen Anderson, 2017
It’s a virtual Russian ballet
as the chorus jumps into the fray,
and their pants are on fire,
with flames leaping higher.
Begin the impeachment today!
© Mary Boren, 2017
Begin the impeachment today.
Let truthfulness now have a say
by shining its light
on all that’s not right
while keeping the Russians at bay.
© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017
While keeping the Russians at bay
requires a commitment to stay
restrained but alert,
we all could get hurt
if intelligence analysts stray.
© Lily Beth Baker, 2017