GOP Mantra 2009

elephant dump

Just say no to Obama so
We want to see Obama go
He wants to give to the poor and needy
We want to help the rich and greedy

Just say no to every bill,
The poor will feel a bitter pill.
Cut the tax rate of the rich to zero
We’ll become their tea party hero

Just say yes to what we write
Make the left seem not so bright
Make sure it hurts those most in need
They are the victims of our dirty deeds

Just say no to Obama so
we can see this President go
No more help for the unemployed
Make Corporations overjoyed.

We pledge to the Corporate heads,
We will cut taxes and their overhead
We’ll be sure to destroy the masses
The poor and needy can kiss our asses.


© 2017 M. Suzanne Wyatt

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Like the characters cast in cartoons

Seth Meyers of NBC began his segment discussing the damning Congressional Budget Office analysis of the healthcare bill, released on Monday.


“We found out today that the GOP healthcare bill could leave 22 million uninsured,” he explained, “which may be why Republicans are trying a new tactic to defend it: lying.”


Late-night hosts blast GOP healthcare bill as ‘comically villainous’




Like the characters cast in cartoons
come the villainous, bumbling buffoons
on their mission of mean
as they sway and careen
to their president’s looniest tunes.


Susan Eckenrode, 6/28/17

Watch Republicans, masters of stealth


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday delayed a vote on the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act until after the July 4 recess, indicating he lacks support to advance the bill.


The delay came one day after the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 22 million people would lose coverage under the GOP plan, thanks in large part to massive cuts to Medicaid.


The delay buys McConnell, who could only afford to lose two GOP votes, more time to shore up support in his caucus.


Here’s Where Key Senators Stand On The GOP Health Care Bill
Huffington Post


Watch Republicans, masters of stealth,
in the art of distributing wealth,
conspire to get more
by stripping the poor
of affordable care for their health.


© Susan Eckenrode, 6/27/17

“Repeal and replace” was his boast. (3-link limerick chain)

“The Republican health care bill would not affect Americans equally. Older, poorer people would see big reductions in coverage and cost increases, according to a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.”

5 Charts That Explain The CBO Report On The Republican Health Plan



“Repeal and replace” was his boast.
Diabetes or cancer? You’re toast.
It’s an unjust dessert,
For TrumpCare will hurt
The people who trusted him most.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

To the people who trusted him most
( ’cause at rallies he’s such a fun host)
it is all bait and switch,
a self-serving pitch.
Will democracy give up the ghost?

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Will democracy give up the ghost?
Will his followers, blindly engrossed
in his treacherous lies
pull the beam from their eyes
when he’s plundered from mountains to coast?

© 2017 Mary Boren


Repeal and replace it entire?

“Republicans in Congress have long vowed that they can make health care more affordable and accessible. Americans will now see if they can keep that promise.”

Who wins and who loses under Obamacare replacement bill
CNN Money

Repeal and replace it entire?
Just throw the whole thing in the fire?
There’s much that is good
Just admit it, you should!
Why not just repair, we inquire?

© Sandra Melville, 2017


Making America Sick (4-link limerick chain)

We don’t know yet what the CBO will say, but it seems fairly clear that their forecast will show a significant drop in the number of people with insurance coverage if Obamacare is repealed and/or the Republican American Health Care Act were to become law.

How many people would lose health-care coverage under the new House bill? Depends who you ask.
The Washington Post



Obamacare wasn’t his pick,
So he’s slapped something up, on the quick,
That gives the rich more
By neglecting the poor.
He is Making America Sick.

© Colleen Anderson, 2017

Yes, he’s making America sick.
How much does he care? Not a lick!
He just follows the lead
of Republicans’ need
to crush ACA like a tick.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

To crush ACA like a tick–
a nearly impossible trick.
Why not make a cause
of fixing the flaws
and give it a boost not a kick.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017

Give it a boost, not a kick:
In the challenging, vast bailiwick
of the legal affair
for our medical care,
find compassion, and spread it on thick.

© Mary Boren, 2017


While the ground of Democracy shook

Republicans on a pivotal House committee scored an initial triumph in their effort to scuttle former President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, using a predawn vote Thursday to abolish the tax penalty his statute imposes on people who don’t purchase insurance and reshaping how millions of Americans buy medical care.

A predawn vote just gave House Republicans an early victory in overhauling Obamacare
Associated Press, via Business Insider


While the ground of Democracy shook
the empowered Republicans took
their constituents’ vote
as a mandate to float
every dirty old trick in the book.

© Mary Boren, 2017