Who cares if your water is clean?

“Trump’s ignores the reality of a changing energy industry.




But solar now accounts for some 260,000 energy jobs in the country, the majority of which are held by installers. That’s almost four times the number of coal industry jobs, about 70,000, as of May 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And that industry has been on a steady and steep decline over the past 30 years.”

What Trump Misses About Energy Jobs in America




“Who cares if your water is clean?
Coal will come back like you’ve never seen!”
But, of course, he is lying.
Coal mining is dying.
Face it, Donny: the future is green.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Inside Operations

“The broadening of Trump’s role in her father’s administration is unprecedented by any modern member of a first family.


“President George W. Bush, who worked on his father’s campaign, is the most recent parallel to Ivanka Trump, said Kate Andersen Brower, author of “First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies” and a CNN contributor.


“‘But even he wasn’t sitting in on high-level policy meetings when his father was in the White House. It definitely complicates matters when someone who can’t be fired — aka a family member — is this involved in an administration,’ she said.”


Ivanka Trump is making her White House job official



See the POTUS, his daughter, her hubby
and their offices, cheerful and clubby.
With more facts to confute
and a country to loot,
watch the Scamalot crew getting grubby.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode



The President’s wrecking ball swings

“Mr. Trump made clear that the United States had no intention of meeting the commitments that his predecessor had made to curb planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution, turning denials of climate change into national policy.”

Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies
The New York Times


The President’s wrecking ball swings
at the whim of industrial kings.
“In Money We Trust”
will be scribed in the dust
of the rubble their avarice brings.

© 2017 Mary Boren


We want some real prodding and poking

“Frankly, if Republicans in Congress want to demonstrate independence from a failing president and avoid constant questions about the issue they’d be smart to offload the entire matter to an independent commission or select committee. Nunes has made his own position — and Republicans’ support for him — increasingly difficult to maintain.”

Now  we know why Trump panicked about Russia probe
The Washington Post


Graphic by Rafael Barker


We want some real prodding and poking
To learn what this White House is cloaking.
Nunes, open that door,
We need to know more.
There’s a fire underneath all that smoking.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Is the Donald beholden to Putin?

“It is not Putin who is desperate for a deal but Trump. His administration has run up hard against the realities of the US Constitution. No matter how much swagger and bombast you have, you must abide by the law, otherwise the courts block you. And you can’t pass legislation without Congress.”

Trump needs Putin more than Putin needs Trump
Edward Lucas, Opinion, CNN

Is the Donald beholden to Putin?
Well intelligence agents are rootin’
for proof of connection
from before the election
to those Russians that Putin keeps shootin’.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker


As faith in our government shrinks (2-link limerick chain)

“This weekend marked Pres. Trump’s 8th week visiting a Trump property, but on the trail he said as President he’d never want to leave the White House.”

Trump’s 13th golf course visit in 65 days
(video) #insidepolitics, CNN


As faith in our government shrinks
And hope for our destiny sinks,
That brazen-faced thief,
Our crackpot-in-chief,
Spends another day out on the links.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Yet another day out on the links,
while ole Bannon is serving up drinks
for a toast to the heist,
that poor Spicer has spiced
with a litany of clueless high jinks.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


The Donald is too much with us

“Retreating from an unhealthy obsession with the latest outrageousness to emanate from Trump and his fellow travelers can be good for one’s mental health. Yet taken to its logical conclusion, this attitude leads to quietism—the belief that the world is hopelessly irredeemable and so one should not court frustration by struggling against it. And quietism by those who could oppose evil makes evil more likely to triumph.”



How to Survive Trump and Stay Sane
Michael Dorf, Opinion, Newsweek



The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
Little we see in Nature that is ours; …

-William Wordsworth, 1802

The Donald is too much with us; boasting and sneering,
Ranting and tweeting, he lays waste our sanity;
Little we see in POTUS but his vanity.

– Dan Letwin, 2017



“Repeal and replace” hit a glitch (5-link limerick chain)




“Anti-poverty advocates insist there is evidence that not helping the poor will hurt in the long run. Olivia Golden, executive director of CLASP, the Center for Law and Social Policy, notes that the Trump administration wants to shift money from low-income Americans to spend more in areas such as defense, security and law enforcement.”

Advocates Say Trump Budget Cuts Will Hurt the Country’s Most Vulnerable


Graphic by Rafael Barker

“Repeal and replace” hit a glitch,
So it’s on to the next scheming pitch.
Keep an eye on the facts:
TrumpCare or TrumpTax,
His deals always favor the rich.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Though his deals always favor the rich
and he savors the ole bait and switch,
he’s no longer in Oz;
so this wizard that was
looks for help from a turtle named Mitch.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

With help from a turtle named Mitch
and a cabinet itching to ditch
every benefit gained
for the poor and untrained,
our democracy’s coming unstitched.

© 2017 Mary Boren

With democracy coming unstitched
and America seeming bewitched,
we hope that soon reason
will rout out the treason
so we’re no longer trapped in betwixt.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker

When we’re no longer trapped in betwixt,
Perhaps we can get some things fixed:
the roads and the bridges,
The ACA glitches,
And Citizen’s United licked.

© 2017 Lynn Degen



Forty-five hugged the wheel while he grinned

“You’re just careering around on your own, crashing into buildings and losing altitude, growling at the cameras and spewing nasty conspiracy theories, instead of offering a sunny smile, bipartisanship, optimism and professionalism.”

Donald, This I Will Tell You
-Maureen Dowd, Opinion, New York Times

Forty-five hugged the wheel while he grinned
And growled in a game of pretend.
“Vroom, vroom, I’m a trucker
like a real workin’ sucker!
Watch me drive my big rig ‘round the bend!”

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Forty-five tried his art of the deal (2-link)

“Forget about the little shit,” Trump said, according to multiple sources in the room. “Let’s focus on the big picture here.”

The group of roughly 30 House conservatives, gathered around a mammoth, oval-shaped conference table in the Cabinet Room of the White House, exchanged disapproving looks. Trump wanted to emphasize the political ramifications of the bill’s defeat; specifically, he said, it would derail his first-term agenda and imperil his prospects for reelection in 2020. The lawmakers nodded and said they understood. And yet they were disturbed by his dismissiveness. For many of the members, the “little shit” meant the policy details that could make or break their support for the bill—and have far-reaching implications for their constituents and the country.”

Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle
Politico Magazine



Forty-five tried his art of the deal
but Republicans finally got real:
No way to hold ’em,
know when to fold ’em.
Then rename ACA, snag a steal.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker

Just rename ACA, snag a steal.
While pretending you aimed to repeal
and replace was a lie
that you knew would’t fly,
there’s no shaming of souls that can’t feel.

© Susan E. Eckenrode