Despite all the stuff he’s up-messing

“So inflammatory is his rhetoric that it’s stirring up a #resistance and worldwide protests, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Civil Rights or Anti-War movements in the 1960s.”


Donald the demagogue: How Trump measures up to US presidents, dictators and despots
Metro News



Despite all the stuff he’s up-messing,
many folks still believe he’s a blessing.
They won’t face this truth –
Forty-five is uncouth,
and the world really finds that depressing!

© 2017 Eric Linden


Corporate tax cuts

“Trump would not be alone among the super-rich to benefit from the plan, analysts said, although the structure of the Trump organization, an agglomeration of hundreds of owner-operated entities, made it a prime potential beneficiary.


“The secretive nature of the Trump organization, which the president has not divested from, and the lack of Trump’s own tax returns to work with, made it difficult to pin down how much the president and his family could stand to gain from the tax code changes proposed on Wednesday, analysts said.”


Trump tax plan could save him millions under guise of helping small businesses



“Corporate tax cuts,” proclaims the Big Boor,
“Will be good for us, you can be sure!”
The truth of the matter:
Fat cats will get fatter,
And the poor will grow ever more poor.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


So he’s backing away from The Wall,

“Trump has long promised that Mexico would pay for the wall along the southern border, something officials in that country have said is not going to happen.


Lawmakers in Congress had little interest in footing the bill — costs could be as high as $70 billion, according to one new report — and even less interest in shutting down the government over it.”


Trump backs off border wall fight for now, easing government shutdown threat
Los Angeles Times



So he’s backing away from The Wall,
Says he’ll put it on hold until fall.
Like most of his plans,
Just a chant for his fans,
And a stupid idea, after all.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson



The BLOTUS is truly vainglorious

“In an appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, former President Barack Obama unloaded a relentless barrage of complete sentences in what was widely seen as a brutal attack on his successor, Donald Trump.


“Appearing at his first public event since leaving office, Obama fired off a punishing fusillade of grammatically correct sentences, the likes of which the American people have not heard from the White House since he departed.”


Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker


Seriously, the Transcript of AP Interview with Trump will make you weep for America.


The BLOTUS is truly vainglorious,
But his word choice is not meritorious.
He’d be talking less trash
If — (with thanks, Ogden Nash) —
He would go out and buy a thesaurious

© Colleen Anderson, 2017



There’s a definite irony here

“The museum, which memorializes Kentucky’s history in coal mining, is modernizing with a new form of cheaper energy.”


Kentucky coal museum switching to solar power



There’s a definite irony here
(that is wasted on POTUS, I fear)
A museum for coal’s
vast historical roles
will be powered by solar this year.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode



It’s apparent there’s now no disputin’

“A Russian government-controlled think tank had outlined plans on how to swing the 2016 U.S. election toward Donald Trump, according to a Reuters report Thursday. New documents reveal a strategy of using social media to bolster Mr. Trump and undermine faith in America’s electoral system. ”


Russian think tank planned to influence the U.S. election, new documents reveal
PBS News Hour



It’s apparent there’s now no disputin’
that a think tank enabled by Putin
launched a devious plan
promoting a man
whose primary interest is lootin’.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


On Earth Day

Read the article in full for a list of 12 actions Trump has taken against the planet while claiming to care for the environment.

“My Administration is committed to keeping our air and water clean, to preserving our forests, lakes, and open spaces, and to protecting endangered species,” the statement read.


Trump releases statement on Earth Day as his administration continues repealing environmental regulations
Business Insider



When he speaks of the good he will do
for environment, the opposite’s true.
His sole focus is wealth
not our habitat’s health.
So beware his rhetorical stew.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


He’s approaching his one hundred days

“Toward the end of his presidential campaign, Trump embraced the 100-day marker he is now questioning. In a ‘Contract With the American Voter’ issued by his campaign, Trump promised that, among other things, he would introduce and ‘fight for’ 10 specific pieces of legislation in his first 100 days.


Those included bills to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, dramatically cut taxes, spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investments and significantly expand school choice.


The only one of those 10 legislative items introduced to this point is the House health-care bill.”


Trump says 100-day marker is ‘ridiculous.’ But he’s scrambling to show progress by then on taxes, health care.
The Washington Post



He’s approaching his one hundred days
and the POTUS is scrambling for praise
of each dubious win
that’s been polished by spin,
while he pushes his tax reform phase.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Oh, the Donald’s recall may be spotty

“If there’s one thing the internet keeps a sharp lookout for, it’s any indications that President Donald Trump is, well, confused. Whether it’s a matter of advancing political conspiracy theories without evidence, or citing false facts like his repeated claim to have won the presidency by a historic Electoral College margin, there’s plenty to keep track of. But those things are more serious and consequential than what transpired during Trump’s joint presser with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni this week: Trump called Luciano Pavarotti his ‘great friend,’ despite the fact that the storied singer died nearly a decade ago.”





Oh, the Donald’s recall can be spotty
But does that give him pause? Oh no, not he
With no smidgeon of shame
He makes bold to proclaim
That he’s chums with the late Pavarotti!

© 2017 Dan Letwin



Though he thinks he’s the illuminati

“President Trump held a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Italy today where he took the opportunity to brag about his friendship with the very prominent Italian celebrity Luciano Pavarotti which is an interesting statement to make because Pavarotti has been dead for ten years. Luckily for Jimmy, he got a rare opportunity to speak to Pavarotti so he could find out whether he actually is friends with Trump once and for all.” – Jimmy Kimmel Live (video)


Graphic by Rafael Barker

Though he thinks he’s the illuminati,
The BLOTUS is really quite dotty,
So flushed with his fame
That he made a false claim
To be buds with the late Pavarotti.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson and Steven Kretzmann