Ode to Alternative Facts

“A group of House Democrats is turning to legislation to call out President Trump and his White House for their history of false statements and disregarding the truth.

Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.) introduced a resolution that calls for “opposing fake news and alternative facts.” Democratic Reps. Ted Lieu (Calif.) and John Lewis (Ga.) signed on as co-sponsors.”

Dems introduce bill condemning ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’
The Hill

Well now, Kellyanne Conway has lately conceived
Of a new understanding of what to believe
When the truth gives you heartburn, don’t worry, relax
You can always resort to alternative facts!

Oh it works for the Donald and all of his hacks
As they go ’bout promoting their retrograde acts
Don’t fret if your documentation is lax
You can always get by with alternative facts!

Don’t fear all those women with signs on their backs
The straight and the queer, the whites and blacks
You can trivialize them with snide little cracks
And wash them away with alternative facts!

Just as loggers might swing an alternative ax
And fell a great tree with alternative whacks
When the truth won’t cooperate, try some new tacks
We live in an age of alternative facts!

© Dan Letwin, 2017

One of the winning entries in the New York Times Donald Trump Poetry Contest,
republished on Rhyming Resistance with author’s permission.


The Ides of Trump Postcard #3

Mail your postcards to:
The President (for now)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500|

But before you do, take a photo of it, post it on social media, and tag us! #TheIdesofTrump #postcardprotest #resist #trump #idesoftrump #postcardstotrump #theresistance #dailyaction

Thanks @thedailyaction!

Now that you are our President,
how bout you set a precedent
Refrain from tweeting every thought
that flits into your overwrought
imagination. Stop and think,
‘cause consequences sure can stink.

Lily Beth, 3/15/17


The Ides of Trump Postcard #2

Mail your postcards to:
The President (for now)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500|

But before you do, take a photo of it, post it on social media, and tag us! #TheIdesofTrump #postcardprotest #resist #trump #idesoftrump #postcardstotrump #theresistance #dailyaction

Thanks @thedailyaction!

You have the world’s attention.
Will you wield it like a sword
or rise to the position you’ve assumed?
Without an intervention
bringing everyone aboard,
the remnant of humanity is doomed.

Mary B., 3/15/17


The Ides of Trump Postcard #1

Mail your postcards to:
The President (for now)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500|

But before you do, take a photo of it, post it on social media, and tag us! #TheIdesofTrump #postcardprotest #resist #trump #idesoftrump #postcardstotrump #theresistance #dailyaction

Thanks @thedailyaction!

Mr. President,

If you respect Americans,
as you profess to do,
Respect us all not just the ones
who cast their votes for you.
Come, prove us wrong and prove you’re fair;
Let kindness conquer fears.
Your legacy as President
will echo through the years.

Susan Elizabeth, 3/15/17


Let Her Not Be Tromped by Trump

We watch Earth’s children of the dust
Wait to witness what’s unjust
We see the eyes of greedy men
Change their lives – time and again.
And watch their trail of tears adjust.

Their waters will be filled with rust —
Their sacred lands beneath the crust
Will be upturned by businessmen
We watch the children!

What right is there in breach of trust?
What will be left of undiscussed?
There’s more to life than might of pen
And more to spite than last Amen –
They stand for life and life’s a must!
We watch the children.


© Joy A. Burki-Watson, 2016

Public Domain Photo

Is their ending about to begin

“Trump has consistently denied business or political ties with Russia but has also been conspicuously reluctant to criticise Putin and raised the prospect of reviewing sanctions against the country. Opponents argue there is circumstantial evidence that Trump colluded with Moscow to help his campaign but definitive proof has remained elusive.”

Will Russia connection become the Trump administration’s Watergate?
The Guardian


Is their ending about to begin
with a hugely cacophonous din?
When it’s all said and done
will they just cut and run
or will truth trump their lies for a win?

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017


He spews accusations with force (3-link limerick chain)

“What does this mean for the country—and for the Americans on the receiving end of Trump’s constantly twisting version of reality? It’s both a cultural question and a psychological one. For decades, researchers have been wrestling with the nature of falsehood: How does it arise? How does it affect our brains? Can we choose to combat it? The answers aren’t encouraging for those who worry about the national impact of a reign of untruth over the next four, or eight, years. Lies are exhausting to fight, pernicious in their effects and, perhaps worst of all, almost impossible to correct if their content resonates strongly enough with people’s sense of themselves, which Trump’s clearly do.”

Trumps Lies vs. Your Brain
Politico Magazine

He spews accusations with force,
But they’re totally baseless, of course,
And it’s likewise, you see,
With his whole coterie—
Not one is a credible source.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Not one is a credible source
And unlike the rear end of a horse
The front’s not aligned
With its sightless behind
And each tale is detached from its arse.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

So each tale is detached from its arse,
thus making their pap hard to parse
But they’re upping their scores
as the vitriol pours
from their nightmarish, psychotic farce.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker



The Madness and the Method (3-link limerick chain)

One could infer a lot about Trump’s goals for the next four years from what Bannon said. Here are some of the most interesting passages and some of his more interesting word choices:

Steve Bannon outlines his plan to ‘deconstruct’ Washington

Bannon proffered his plan from the start;
deconstruct and replace is its heart.
With the crew all on board,
now they’re swinging the sword,
while Distractor-in-Chief does his part.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker
The Distractor-in-Chief does his part,
By choosing his tweets à la carte
From a mish-mash of news
That is ripe with pee-yews
And usually comes out as a fart.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Each tweet that comes out as a fart
is more foolish and putrid and tart.
With his juvenile sprees
he has launched a disease
that is ripping the country apart.

© 2017 Mary Boren


The Nayslayers

Destroying the “administrative state,” you would think, requires that he tell us whether the “administrative state” includes the safety net, entitlement benefits, anti-insider trading and consumer protection laws, anti-discrimination statutes, labor restrictions, transportation/infrastructure building, etc.

What would Trump and Bannon ‘deconstruct’?
The Washington Post


The Bannon Bunch,
the Bannon Bunch,
They’ll deconstruct your house
then munch
on liberty,
a constitution shredding spree
with every scrap of justice too.
Don’t let Nayslayers
threaten you!

© Susan E. Eckenrode



Republican representative Jason Chaffetz and Democrat representative Elijah Cummings wrote a letter in which they express concerns about President Donald Trump’s habit of deleting tweets.

Congress warns President Trump to stop deleting his tweets
AOL News


His tweets are like snowballs he pelts,
But they’re lies, and so each one soon melts.
It’s a bully-child’s game,
Flinging hatred and blame,
But he’s no good at anything else.

© Colleen Anderson, 2017

Though he’s no good at anything else,
and his tantrums are raising some welts
on all in his path
that trigger his wrath,
we can counter the blither he belts.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017