Polls plunge, his balloon of good luck pops

“The healthcare failure called into question not only Trump’s ability to get other key parts of his agenda, including tax cuts and a boost in infrastructure spending, through Congress, but the Republican Party’s capacity to govern effectively.”

Trump tastes failure as U.S. House healthcare bill collapses


Polls plunge, his balloon of good luck pops,
And they’re grumbling in diners and truck stops.
Sure looks like old Drumpfy
Is not very comfy
Behind the big desk where the buck stops.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson



Trump Dump

JUST HOURS BEFORE House Speaker Paul Ryan held a press conference to sell his health care overhaul legislation — using a PowerPoint presentation mocked for misrepresenting basic facts  — he was doing something he’s much better at: fundraising.

The two things were related. The Thursday morning breakfast fundraiser he attended was hosted by a lobbying firm working to unwind the Affordable Care Act on behalf of health insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield, one of the big winners of Ryan’s proposed legislation.”

Paul Ryan Fundraised With Health Insurance Lobbying Firm Just Before His PowerPoint
The Intercept

Now he claims it’s the Democrats’ fault
that the Paul Ryan plan came to naught.
Of course that’s not so,
some Republicans know
what a goat-rope their ignorance has wrought.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker

The goat-rope their ignorance wrought
is exposed as a devious plot.
The corporate buy-in
of Speaker Paul Ryan
reveals what a lemon they got.

© 2017 Mary Boren

Forty-five just can’t govern the quips


An example of the stream of gibberish emanating from the mouth of our So-Called President, fact-checked by NBC News:

“Let’s see whether or not I proved it. You looked at some proof. I mean, let’s see whether or not I prove it. I just don’t choose to do it right now. I choose to do it before the committee, and maybe I’ll do it before the committee. Maybe I’ll do it before I see the result of the committee. But I think we have some very good stuff. And we’re in the process of putting it together, and I think it’s going to be very demonstrative.”

Forty-five just can’t govern the quips
That spring from his brain to his lips.
All those rabid insults
Could bring dire results,
Not to mention his Freudian slips.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


Are you among those who are gaspin’

The actual cost of the Aspen weekend is not clear, but reports indicate that the group was accompanied by as many as 100 Secret Service agents.  Concern over the cost of protecting the first family is growing exponentially as they continue to flaunt their lavish lifestyle at taxpayer expense.  Philip Bump, of The Washington Post, offers recent credible estimates in “How much is Donald Trump’s travel and protection costing, anyway?”  -Mary Boren

Graphic by Rafael Barker

Are you among those who are gaspin’
At the cost of the Trumps’ trip to Aspen?
Guess they might as well ski;
Soon their daddy may be
The nation’s most infamous has-been.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Petition to Impeach

“From the moment he assumed the office, President Donald Trump has been in direct violation of the US Constitution. The President is not above the law.  We will not allow President Trump to profit from the presidency at the expense of our democracy.”

Add your name calling for the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump for violating the U.S. Constitution.

Impeach Donald Trump Now


Hey, Don, we un-humbly beseech
You to stop with the bombastic speech.
Incessantly tweeting
Will lead to a beating
Please, Congress, begin to impeach.

© 2017 Phil Graham



Trump’s Toys

“The US military shot down President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration team’s bid to have tanks and missile launchers rolling down his parade route …”

Military refused Trump’s bid to parade missile launchers at inauguration
Yaron Steinbuch, New York Post



He wanted some tanks with big guns
To prove he commands tons and tons
Of state of the art
Weapons to start
Controlling whomever he shuns.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode



On Problem Solving

Limerick by Susan Elizabeth

“During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump remarked often on the stupidity of our leaders. He was under the impression that the rest of the planet was indulging in some sort of global guffaw at our expense. ‘How stupid are we? The world is laughing.’ If so, what must the mirthful world think of our current state of affairs?”

So far, Trump has been mercifully incompetent
-Dana Milbank, Opinion, The Washington Post


If a single solution gets done
for the myriad problems that run
through his office each day,
well, if there is a way
to do the wrong thing, that’s the one.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


As calls for a probe reach an outcry

“The first open hearing into Donald Trump’s alleged Russia connections on Monday ensured that the US president will operate under a cloud of suspicion until either the various inquiries deliver credible public conclusions or Trump leaves office, whichever comes first.”


Donald Trump is under investigation for ties to Russia. What happens now?
The Guardian


As calls for a probe reach an outcry,
He tweets like a maniac magpie.
The probable reason is
That he’s been treasonous,
And fears he will soon be the fall guy.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Green Cheese and Other Fantasies (3-link limerick chain)

“However, despite what Levin says, no source alleges Obama personally ordered phone wiretaps or any other form of surveillance. The closest some get is alluding to possible FBI requests for a warrant to monitor Trump associates amid their investigation into improper Russia-related activity.”

Did Donald Trump invent claim that Barack Obama tapped his phone?


From the mouth of our nation’s buffoon,
who “reads about things” and real soon
he can show us for sure
(as he sifts through manure)
that Obama surveilled from the moon.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Yeah, Obama surveilled from the moon
while he munched on a cheese macaroon,
’twas that same shade of green
that is frequently seen
from trump’s perch on the penthouse in June.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker

From his perch on the penthouse in June,
where those twitstorms are carelessly strewn,
may he cower in dread
as The Truth rears her head
and erupts in a raging typhoon.

© 2017 Mary Boren


Behold POTUS #45

For those whose views may differ from his own,
he’ll cast aspersions on their intellects.
No argument one makes is ever shown
consideration. Never circumspect,
he digs his heels in deeper, hides his head
in ignorance, ignoring ever more
accepted truths for fantasy instead,
while bragging he will make our country soar.
He doesn’t shun adhominem attacks
and even one’s appearance is fair game.
He voices his opinions like they’re facts
and always knows exactly whom to blame
for all the ills that plague the nation now.
And he alone can fix them all, somehow.

© 2017  Lily Beth Baker

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