In a bout of late-night tweetarrhea

“The United States has been pushing China to put pressure on North Korea to stop its nuclear program and missile testing, but Trump said on Sunday the United States would be prepared to act alone to stop North Korea.”


North Korea fires ballistic missile as Trump, Xi prepare to meet


Graphic by Rafael Barker


In a bout of late-night tweetarrhea,
He’s promised to “solve” North Korea.
It’s a dangerous game,
His bully-and-blame.
If you pray, say an Ave Maria.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Dire Straits

Masterful manipulations,
unrelenting agitations,
Machiavellian machinations
roil across the land.
Using powers he applied for,
rights and freedoms people cried for,
generations fought and died for
crumble on command.


© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Public Domain Image


His words left thoughts not unforeseen
Like muddy prints through mezzanine.
And who would clean the mess he made
Or who’d define that masquerade
As yin and yang caught inbetween?

Who would deny it’s not obscene
To leave behind what seems unclean
And yet we sense a renegade!
His words left thoughts.

He paved his way with a smokescreen
By acting like a Philistine —
He’d then profess to serenade
His followers with truths ‘he made’
That left the rest of us dismayed!
His words left thoughts.

© Joy A. Burki-Watson, 2015

Photo Credit


As Russiagate mushrooms in scope

“Throughout the confusion of Donald Trump’s campaign and the chaotic events of his early days in the White House, one controversy has clung to the Trump train like glue: Russia.”


Russia: The scandal Trump can’t shake



As Russiagate mushrooms in scope,
Many good citizens hope
the old adage is true,
what they say he will do
If you’ve given a man enough rope.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Now the POTUS has triggered guffaws


“When I read that Donald Trump tried to make a joke about Susan B. Anthony (letting almost everybody know that he didn’t know anything about her), I could almost hear a collective exasperated sigh coming from educators worldwide. And, actually, I was amazed that he wasn’t familiar with Ms. Anthony — after all, her image does grace a U.S. dollar.”

Trump’s ‘jokes’ are clue: We need to see his grades, not tax returns
Diana Renstrom, Opinion, St. Louis Post-Dispatch



Now the POTUS has triggered guffaws
when he played at supporting the cause
of women who knew
this fool has no clue
who Susan B. Anthony was.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker


Munity Lunacy

“Nunes, wannabe private eye, surreptitiously examined information that he thought would exculpate Trump from his bogus tweet that he had been wiretapped at the Trump Tower last year by President Barack Obama.


Nunes revealed himself to be a sleuth of the Inspector Clouseau variety: klutzy, incompetent and prone to produce chaos wherever he turns up.”


 This Watergate lawmaker set the standard for slavish loyalty. Then came Nunes.
Colbert I. King, Opinion, The Washington Post



Munity lunacy,
Devin G. Nunes, he
stumbled and fumbled
the touchdown for Trump.

Surging with sycophant’s
now he must pass the
intelligence dump.

© 2017 Mary Boren


Aiming to Blame

“Unlike his personal hero, Vladimir Putin, President Trump can’t have his political opponents thrown into prison, shot dead in the street or flung off fourth-floor balconies. In Moscow, Russian soldiers could have herded those women in stupid pink hats into stockades like cows. If a few opinionated heifers got roughed up, well, they asked for it, didn’t they?


Instead, Trump was reduced to making excuses for the failure of his farcical Obamacare ‘reform’ by launching impotent attacks against just about everybody in Washington.”

Trump’s desperate quest for someone to blame
Gene Lyons, Opinion, Chicago Sun Times



So the POTUS has steadied his aim
at the culprits he’s sure are to blame
for the health bill’s demise;
yeah, they better get wise,
‘cause his shit-list includes every name.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


He’s playing his voters for fools.

“A ‘one-year apprenticeship’ at Trump University cost $1,495, according to court documents, while a ‘membership’ cost at least $10,000 and the ‘Gold Elite,’ the seminar’s most expensive class, cost $35,000.


Trump University effectively closed in 2010, the same year the New York Department of Education directed the program to stop operating without a license.


In advertisements for Trump University, Trump said he ‘hand-picked’ the instructors, but he did not remember a single instructor during a deposition.”


Trump University $25 million settlement approved
CNN Money

Trump U, quite unlike other schools,
Was a rip-off that broke all the rules.
But that was just practice;
Today, the sad fact is
He’s playing his voters for fools.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


There’s a war on this planet

“For him to tear up every single regulation instituted by President Obama on climate change and for him to say that that will no longer be a concern when they make their decisions, is not just a f*ck you to the rest of this world, but it’s a declaration of war against the actual planet.” – Michael Moore

There’s a war on this planet declared
by a POTUS who’s conscience impaired.
While reversing the gains
he exploits what remains
and insures that no being is spared.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Pigs at the Trough

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke

You lost, give it up, so they say
While they take all the progress away
No Clean Air nor clean water
Don’t treat folks as we oughta
Making money’s the rule of the day.

Making money’s the rule of the day
While they ethical standards betray
So ignore people’s needs
At the trough cronies feed
it’s no matter, Trumps do it that way.

Trumps do it that way-we must not!
Keep fighting the evil we’ve got
With friends be inspired,
Keep fighting these liars
The evil will win if we stop.



© 2017 Sandra Melville

Image Source: “Pigs at the Trough” by Joseph Crawhall, 1884