The Trump Pet Calls

“My master sends me here to take your soul,”
the gnarly, nut brown elf proclaims with glee.
“It is his fervent wish and heartfelt goal
that you will pack your bags and come with me.
I know I’m not what you’d expect to see
on this your dying day, here at your door.
Perhaps you thought God’s grace would set you free?
We checked, He doesn’t want you anymore.
Look here, your name’s the first one on my roll;
‘The Donald didn’t win in Heaven’s poll.’ ”

“My master sees your soul is second rate,
an empty vessel void of love or care.
Your arrogance won’t let you hide the hate
behind whichever mask you choose to wear.
Convincing your supporters you would share
your business acumen… that’s quite a trick!
He’s so impressed with all your Faustian flair
for winning votes with racist rhetoric
and promises you’d make their country great.
You’ve won your just reward, come meet your fate.”


© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

Image Credit 

Russian Ballet (4-link limerick chain)

“The latest disclosures — and the Trump administration’s contradictory accounts of them — have deepened the questions about Russia’s role in the election and its aftermath. The affair has fueled calls for congressional and independent investigations, and toppled another close Trump aide, Michael T. Flynn, who resigned as national security adviser last month after admitting he had misled the administration over his contacts with Mr. Kislyak.”

Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself from Russia InquiryThe New York Times

“The National Security Agency risks a brain-drain of hackers and cyber spies due to a tumultuous reorganization and worries about the acrimonious relationship between the intelligence community and President Donald Trump, according to current and former NSA officials and cybersecurity industry sources.”

NSA Risks Talent Exodus Amid Morale Slump: Trump Fears



With Flynn off the stage and away,
Now Sessions leaps into this play.
Just watching them dance
In their bright, flaming pants—
It’s a virtual Russian ballet!

© Colleen Anderson, 2017

It’s a virtual Russian ballet
as the chorus jumps into the fray,
and their pants are on fire,
with flames leaping higher.
Begin the impeachment today!

© Mary Boren, 2017

Begin the impeachment today.
Let truthfulness now have a say
by shining its light
on all that’s not right
while keeping the Russians at bay.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

While keeping the Russians at bay
requires a commitment to stay
restrained but alert,
we all could get hurt
if intelligence analysts stray.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017



Massive Pro-trump Rally in Atlanta

So they came by the dozens of tens
with their flag waving friends, feeling proud
as they clamored to capture the lens
for a photo that proves they’re a crowd.


© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

Forty-five is reversing each gain

“Last year, over 200 anti-LGBT bills were introduced in 34 states, 50 of which targeted trans people specifically. This year will surely see even more—including on the federal level, where it is unknown what bills President-elect Trump will or won’t sign, though it is well-known where his evangelical deputies, such as Vice President-elect Mike Pence and Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos, stand. After a few years of fitful progress, cultural visibility, and executive branch history-making, it’s now open season on transgender Americans. Bathroom bills would be ironic if they weren’t so tragic.” – The Daily Beast



Forty-five is reversing each gain
with his tactics designed to restrain,
confound and confuse,
restrict and abuse;
it’s a sadly familiar refrain.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017


So folks, pay attention now please,

“Amid reports that interpreters are struggling to understand President Donald Trump because ‘it sounds like he’s speaking his own language,’ the ‘Tonight Show’ host unveiled a new (spoof) Rosetta Stone program on Friday.” – Huffington Post

See the full video segment on Huffington Post.



So folks, pay attention now please,
The president’s speech is a breeze;
need a translator?
Nothing is greater
than Rosetta Stone’s app for Trumpese.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017



Forty-five’s got himself a phone buddy

“Mr. Jones, in case you aren’t aware, is the conspiracy-theorizing, flame-throwing nationalistic radio and internet star who’s best known for suggesting that Sept. 11 was an inside job, that the Sandy Hook school shooting was “completely fake” and that the phony Clinton child-sex trafficking scandal known as Pizzagate warranted serious investigation (which one Facebook fan took upon himself to do, armed with an AR-15).”

The New York Times




Forty-five’s got himself a phone buddy
he calls up for info to study
and falls hook ‘n line
for Jones’ opine
as his war on real news grows more bloody.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017


He’s the president of his own base

#45 at CPAC on Friday:
“…. but the people that you’re watching, they’re not you. They’re largely, many of them are the side that lost. They lost the election. It’s like, how many elections do we have to have? They lost the election.”

He’s the president of his own base
and the rest of us just have to face
that we lost the election
thus we have no connection
to the governance trumpsters embrace.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017


Don’t tell me he’s mentally ill

“Mr. Trump causes severe distress rather than experiencing it and has been richly rewarded, rather than punished, for his grandiosity, self-absorption and lack of empathy. It is a stigmatizing insult to the mentally ill (who are mostly well behaved and well meaning) to be lumped with Mr. Trump (who is neither).” – Allen Frances


Don’t tell me he’s mentally ill,
that humanoid up on the hill
It’s an insult to those
who suffer the throes
of diseases that siphon all will.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

He complains there’s a media plot (3-link limerick chain)


“Donald Trump has sarcastically dismissed women accusing him of sexual misconduct — even as two more came forward with lurid accounts — and denounced ‘an international political and media plot against me’.”

Trump dismisses sex assault claims and slams ‘global plot’
Daily Nation



He complains there’s a media plot
undermining the greatness he’s wrought,
so he tweets on a whim
boundless praises of him.
He’s America’s dictator-tot!*

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

*Dictator- tot, compliments of Steven Colbert

He’s America’s Dictator-tot
Who will never accomplish a lot
Cause he’s mostly all talk
And will jolly well walk
When he reckons his con has been caught.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker

When he reckons his con has been caught
he won’t bother addressing the blot
left on history’s page
because naught could assuage
the relentless destruction he wrought.

© 2017 Mary Boren



Forty-five, the perpetual winner

“I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.” -DJT

Forty-five, the perpetual winner
(including at being a sinner)
though barely elected
his ego’s injected
and he’ll never eat crow for his dinner.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017