
His words left thoughts not unforeseen
Like muddy prints through mezzanine.
And who would clean the mess he made
Or who’d define that masquerade
As yin and yang caught inbetween?

Who would deny it’s not obscene
To leave behind what seems unclean
And yet we sense a renegade!
His words left thoughts.

He paved his way with a smokescreen
By acting like a Philistine —
He’d then profess to serenade
His followers with truths ‘he made’
That left the rest of us dismayed!
His words left thoughts.

© Joy A. Burki-Watson, 2015

Photo Credit


Let Her Not Be Tromped by Trump

We watch Earth’s children of the dust
Wait to witness what’s unjust
We see the eyes of greedy men
Change their lives – time and again.
And watch their trail of tears adjust.

Their waters will be filled with rust —
Their sacred lands beneath the crust
Will be upturned by businessmen
We watch the children!

What right is there in breach of trust?
What will be left of undiscussed?
There’s more to life than might of pen
And more to spite than last Amen –
They stand for life and life’s a must!
We watch the children.


© Joy A. Burki-Watson, 2016

Public Domain Photo