The GOP plots without cease

“Democrats quickly jumped on the development, arguing that Republicans are willing to take away protections for the general public, but not themselves. ‘The best evidence yet that the new GOP repeal plan is a disaster for people’s health care is that the GOP exempted Members of Congress from living under it,’ said Leslie Dach, director of the Protect Our Care Campaign, one of the main groups fighting repeal.”


House GOP health bill changes exempt members of Congress
The Hill



The GOP plots without cease
to gut ACA piece by piece,
but provisions it shelves
won’t apply to themselves.
No, it’s only the public they’ll fleece.

© 2017 Mary Boren

So he’s backing away from The Wall,

“Trump has long promised that Mexico would pay for the wall along the southern border, something officials in that country have said is not going to happen.


Lawmakers in Congress had little interest in footing the bill — costs could be as high as $70 billion, according to one new report — and even less interest in shutting down the government over it.”


Trump backs off border wall fight for now, easing government shutdown threat
Los Angeles Times



So he’s backing away from The Wall,
Says he’ll put it on hold until fall.
Like most of his plans,
Just a chant for his fans,
And a stupid idea, after all.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson



The BLOTUS is truly vainglorious

“In an appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, former President Barack Obama unloaded a relentless barrage of complete sentences in what was widely seen as a brutal attack on his successor, Donald Trump.


“Appearing at his first public event since leaving office, Obama fired off a punishing fusillade of grammatically correct sentences, the likes of which the American people have not heard from the White House since he departed.”


Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker


Seriously, the Transcript of AP Interview with Trump will make you weep for America.


The BLOTUS is truly vainglorious,
But his word choice is not meritorious.
He’d be talking less trash
If — (with thanks, Ogden Nash) —
He would go out and buy a thesaurious

© Colleen Anderson, 2017



Now our U.S. Department of State

“An article on a State Department website about President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort has been removed after criticism that it was an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds.


“Critics complained that resources were being used to tout the for-profit club, which Trump refers to as the Winter White House. The club, in Palm Beach, Fla., is held in Trump’s trust, of which he is the sole beneficiary.”


State Department Removes Webpage Featuring Trump’s For-Profit Club, Mar-A-Lago



Now our U.S. Department of State
used its website to praise and conflate
Forty-five’s private club
as a suitable hub
wherein schmoozing and profits gestate.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker



There’s a definite irony here

“The museum, which memorializes Kentucky’s history in coal mining, is modernizing with a new form of cheaper energy.”


Kentucky coal museum switching to solar power



There’s a definite irony here
(that is wasted on POTUS, I fear)
A museum for coal’s
vast historical roles
will be powered by solar this year.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode



We’re sick of his habit to scoff at us

“How shall we make sense of the gross elitism at the heart of the Trump administration, embodied in its devotion to Ayn Rand—elitism that its supporters overlook or ignore, and happily ascribe to the left instead?”


Firmin Debrabander, Opinion, Newsweek



We’re sick of his habit to scoff at us
While wagging his shiny gold coif at us.
We’re sick of his lying,
And sick of his trying
To offer what he would cast off at us.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


It’s apparent there’s now no disputin’

“A Russian government-controlled think tank had outlined plans on how to swing the 2016 U.S. election toward Donald Trump, according to a Reuters report Thursday. New documents reveal a strategy of using social media to bolster Mr. Trump and undermine faith in America’s electoral system. ”


Russian think tank planned to influence the U.S. election, new documents reveal
PBS News Hour



It’s apparent there’s now no disputin’
that a think tank enabled by Putin
launched a devious plan
promoting a man
whose primary interest is lootin’.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


Parody Clarity

Enjoy this stunning example of parody extraordinaire, and for more hilarity in the face of catastrophe, follow Bald Piano Guy on YouTube.


The Trump Administration Song



To the Bald Piano Guy

You’re a metrical musical maven
with a radiant noggin smooth-shaven.
Please don’t run out of rhyme
’cause there’s never a time
when the president Ain’t Misbehavin’.

Mary Boren, 4/23/17



Marching for Science

“‘Today we have a great many lawmakers — not just here but around the world — deliberately ignoring and actively suppressing science,’ one of the event’s speakers, TV host and scientist Bill Nye, told a rain-soaked crowd from a stage.


‘Their inclination is misguided and in no one’s best interest. Our lives are in every way improved by having clean water, reliable electricity and access to electronic global information.'”


March for Science: Protesters gather worldwide to support ‘evidence’


In a massive display of defiance,
defenders of atoms and ions
sent a message that’s clear
for the BLOTUS’s ear:
“We reject your rejection of science!”

© 2017 Mary Boren


“an island in the Pacific”

“President Trump previously called a federal judge in California a so-called judge. Now U.S. Attorney General Sessions appears to dismiss a federal judge in Hawaii as just a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific. Our Constitution created a separation of powers in the United States for a reason. Our federal courts, established under article III of the Constitution, are co-equal partners with Congress and the President. It is disappointing AG Sessions does not acknowledge that.” -Hawaii’s Attorney General, Doug Chin


Hawaii Tells Jeff Sessions: ‘Have Some Respect’
Continue story at NPR



Jeff Sessions, in terms unspecific,
Mocks “an island in the Pacific.”
He should search his own soul,
And his dubious role
As a toady to one so horrific.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson