Sure his life was much better before

“It’s absolutely true that all presidents express — privately and then, eventually, publicly — some level of longing for the life they left behind or the life they will return to. But that usually happens after, say, seven or eight years in the White House. Not after 99 days.


Donald Trump sounds like he really misses not being president



Sure his life was much better before
but he reckoned how much he could score;
such a small sacrifice
for a generous slice
of America’s pie at his door.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 4/29/17


He’s frenetically scrambling to prove

“Trump set out an ambitious agenda for his first 100 days — The Associated Press identified 38 specific promises Trump made in his 100-day “contract” with voters, only 10 of which he fulfilled.”


Trump’s first 100 days were unlike any we’ve ever seen — here are all the promises he’s kept and broken
Business Insider



He’s frenetically scrambling to prove
that he’s fully aligned in the groove
of great governance,
while most of us wince
at ineptitudes guiding each move.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


Good men of good counsel can’t reach him;

“We have as president an unhinged narcissistic child who tweets absurd lies and holds rallies to prop up his fragile ego, whose conflicts of financial interest are ubiquitous and whose presidency is under a ‘gray cloud’ of suspicion (according to the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee) for colluding with Russian agents to obtain office in the 2016 election.”




Robert Reich: Four Grounds of Impeachment for Trump (video)



Good men of good counsel can’t reach him;
Wise counselors try, but can’t teach him.
Before it gets worse,
This American Curse,
Enough. It is time to impeach him.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Forty-five is upsetting Canucks?

Steven Colbert: “It’s a dangerous world. Every day tensions are rising between the United States and our sworn enemy, Canada.” (video)


Forty-five is upsetting Canucks?
That’s gotta be one for the books!
With reserve and respect,
they’ll remain circumspect,
but beware he who plays them for schnooks.

© Susan E. Eckenrode


When Don T is finished with NAFTA

“The messy 24 hours were part of a week in which the West Wing has erupted with an all-guns-firing-at-once frenzy intended to prove that Mr. Trump is an effective leader on the cusp of his 100th day in office. His staff has been alarmed by a trend: A decreasing percentage of Americans, even supporters of Mr. Trump, view him as capable of executing on his muscular if vague campaign promises.”


Trump’s Day of Hardball and Confusion on Nafta
The New York Times



When Don-T is finished with NAFTA,
I wonder what he will do afta.
Will it be some more tweeting,
retreating or cheating?
I’m sure it will give us more lafta!

Ya never know what he will dew
when most things arise from the blew.
This one thing’s for certain –
there ain’t no avertin’
the fact that he hasn’t a clew!

© 2017 Eric Linden


Being President’s so much more work

“Trump, who spent years in the public limelight as a billionaire real estate magnate and reality television star, also lamented the lack of privacy in his new life as the country’s most prominent public servant.”


Trump: I thought presidency
would be ‘easier’ than ‘previous life’




Being President’s so much more work
than he thought but he’ll relish each perk
and build on his wealth
with circuitous stealth
while flaunting an arrogant smirk.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017

He excels in the art of the scam

“He’s getting what he cares about.


“Donald Trump attracted a reputation over the years as a ruthless and unscrupulous businessman. He said on the campaign trail that having been ‘greedy all my life,’ he now wanted to be greedy on behalf of the American people — but nobody seriously believed him.”


Donald Trump’s first 100 days
have been a moneymaking success story




He excels in the art of the scam
and each hint of compassion’s a sham.
His ego has strangled
his soul and entangled
his heart in a shroud of “I am”.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


While his ban and his plan for a wall

Chelsea Handler: Trump Needs to Golf More (video)

“The only time you’ve acknowledged climate change is when it caused erosion at one of your seaside golf resorts. So now we just need to get one of your golf courses pregnant so you’ll change your stance on Planned Parenthood.”


While his ban and his plan for a wall
Seem to stutter and sputter and stall,
He’ll whip up his fan base,
Then head for some green space
To play with a little white ball.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Despite all the stuff he’s up-messing

“So inflammatory is his rhetoric that it’s stirring up a #resistance and worldwide protests, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Civil Rights or Anti-War movements in the 1960s.”


Donald the demagogue: How Trump measures up to US presidents, dictators and despots
Metro News



Despite all the stuff he’s up-messing,
many folks still believe he’s a blessing.
They won’t face this truth –
Forty-five is uncouth,
and the world really finds that depressing!

© 2017 Eric Linden


Corporate tax cuts

“Trump would not be alone among the super-rich to benefit from the plan, analysts said, although the structure of the Trump organization, an agglomeration of hundreds of owner-operated entities, made it a prime potential beneficiary.


“The secretive nature of the Trump organization, which the president has not divested from, and the lack of Trump’s own tax returns to work with, made it difficult to pin down how much the president and his family could stand to gain from the tax code changes proposed on Wednesday, analysts said.”


Trump tax plan could save him millions under guise of helping small businesses



“Corporate tax cuts,” proclaims the Big Boor,
“Will be good for us, you can be sure!”
The truth of the matter:
Fat cats will get fatter,
And the poor will grow ever more poor.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson