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The Problem With Utopia

Jean Vanier is a Canadian Christian who founded the L’Arche movement. (L’Arche is French for “The Ark.”) This movement is made up of communities of mentally and physically challenged persons and “normal” people (Who among us is really normal?) who seek to live in the spirit of the Beatitudes from… Continue reading

John 6:60-69 – Miracles Born From Faith

In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s masterpiece The Brothers Karamazov, we find a remarkable statement: “In the realist, faith is not born from miracles, but miracles from faith.” I have been puzzled for years over the miracle stories of Jesus. He healed all kinds of people with all kinds of diseases. He calmed… Continue reading

Luke 5:12-17 When Saying “No” is a Form of Prayer

(The following sermon dates from a time when I pastored a large church with many demands place upon me not only by the parishioners and their families but by my own denomination, another denomination historically devoted to peace and justice, and several organizations within the area. I was overwhelmed and… Continue reading

Be My Valentine?

Valentine’s Day is upon us. Heart-shaped cakes, boxes of candy, cards, and roses are some of the images this holiday evokes. I remember as an elementary student all of the excitement as we each passed out our Valentines to our friends and to that special someone we hoped would “be… Continue reading

Revelation 1:4 “Watch Your Verbs!”

“Grace and peace to you from the God who is, who was, and who is coming.”  John begins his letter to the churches of Asia Minor with this powerful and meaning-packed greeting.  And he has chosen his words very carefully, for John, more than any other writer of the New… Continue reading

John 15:1-11 “Rooted in Joy”

I would like to approach joy beginning with some of the words people confuse with joy and see how joy is different from these spiritual counterfeits. Perhaps backing into joy this way will allow us to gain a fresh understanding and useful appreciation of what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called “the most unmistakable sign of the presence of God.” Continue reading

Acts 1:6-11 “Square Wheel Religion”

Those who think the direction of the gospel is from earth to heaven have one thing in common with those who are obsessed with when the Lord will return. They are about as useful as a square wheel when it comes to living the gospel. Continue reading

God’s Initial Aim

The Bible constantly surprises and even at times shocks anyone who reads it with an open mind and a receptive heart. Among the biggest surprises is the number of times in the Hebrew Scriptures God negotiates with God’s people and even drastically changes the Divine Mind. Such a God does… Continue reading

Acts 1:1-14 “Living in Between”

That day on the Mount of Olives marks a pivotal transition in the life of the church.  Luke is the only Gospel writer to report this ascension. We don’t do much with the ascension in our theology.  In fact, some people are embarrassed by the way Luke presents it. Is… Continue reading