Original Sin: Part Two

(7 minutes) According to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, we inherit the consequences of our ancestors’ sin but not the guilt associated with that sin. Some Eastern Orthodox theologians prefer the term “ancestral sin” to “Original Sin.” Each person and generation are responsible for their own guilt; however the consequences of their… Continue reading

Genesis 1:1-2:4a “The First Things” (Partnering with God) Part 4

In our first sermon on Genesis we said that the Bible is not a science book. We cannot expect the biblical writers to see creation as science understands the universe today. Ancient people basically understood the world as it appears. For example, it looks like the sun goes around the… Continue reading

Luke 5:12-17 When Saying “No” is a Form of Prayer

(The following sermon dates from a time when I pastored a large church with many demands place upon me not only by the parishioners and their families but by my own denomination, another denomination historically devoted to peace and justice, and several organizations within the area. I was overwhelmed and… Continue reading