Zombies and Easter: Part Three

(18 minutes) The gospel is the Christian narrative of God’s great revelation in Jesus of Nazareth. This Christian story is true both metaphorically and historically. It is saturated with word and deed, Spirit and flesh, heaven and earth, transcendence and immanence, mind and body. The story begins before time, space,… Continue reading

The Eye of a Needle (Part Three)

(24 minutes) What Jesus meant by “the Kingdom of God” is often misunderstood by those in and outside the church. By “entering the Kingdom of God,” he did not mean going to heaven when we die. Part of that misunderstanding is based on Matthew’s preference for the phrase “Kingdom of… Continue reading

The Eye of a Needle (Part Two)

(13 minutes) In part one of “The Eye of a Needle,” we acknowledged the addictive danger of wealth in Jesus’ teachings. We also recognized that his warning about the love and pursuit of money can be found in several parables and various teachings. He even saw wealth as the chief… Continue reading

The Eye of a Needle (Part One)

(11 minutes) Jesus said, “How hard for those possessing wealth to enter the Kingdom of God, for it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.” And those hearing this said, “Can any… Continue reading

Demons: Part Four

(17 minutes) If we are enslaved by sin, how can we become free? How does God “save” us through the Christ Event (Jesus’ incarnation, life, teachings, deeds, death, resurrection, and ascension). In the previous article, I rejected the dominant theory of atonement in Western Christianity known as Penal Substitutionary Atonement… Continue reading

Demons: Part Three

The article series examines the nature of demonic forces according to Brad Jersak and Brian Zandh, Rene Girard’s mimetic theory, and biblical interpretations of sin. While demonic forces are seen as metaphorical, their destructive impact is real, fostering competition and scapegoating in societies. This entry delves into sin as a form of demonic enslavement, critiqueing the Penal Substitutionary Atonement theory prevalent in Western Christianity. It suggests aligning with Eastern Christianity’s approach of viewing sin as a disease needing healing, rather than a crime for punishment. Continue reading

Demons: Part Two

(10 minutes) Part two of this series looks at the demonic nature of scapegoating in the philosophy of the late Rene Girard. The demonic, understood as a “psycho-spiritual” phenomenon originating within individuals and metastasizing throughout society, is partially explained by Girard’s mimetic theory.  Child psychologist Jean Piaget taught that children… Continue reading