Time: In the End is the Beginning (Part One)

In the end of all things is their beginning, and only from the perspective of the end can one know what they are, why they have been made, and who the God is who has called them from nothingness. From the perspective of eternity, the end comes first and the… Continue reading

You Can’t Go Home Again: Part Three

(14 minutes) Part Two of this series entitled “You Can’t Go Home Again” ended with the suggestion that Christians should best be envisioned as pilgrims rather than wanderers. Pilgrims are on the move toward a goal. They are not homesteaders, but they do have a destination. If our primary calling… Continue reading

One Interpretation of the Parousia: Part Two

I am often asked if I believe in the Second Coming. My response is, “l believe in the parousia which is what the New Testament teaches.” Now that is not just a smart-alecky answer. As we shall see, what the New Testament teaches about the parousia (what most call “the… Continue reading

One Interpretation of the Parousia: Part One (John 1:1-4,9-14; Ephesians 1:3-10; Colossians 1:15-20) 

(Parousia is the Greek word used in the New Testament which is commonly understood as the Second Coming. Parousia simply means “presence” or “appearing.” It is one of the metaphors used in the Bible and theology to refer to the fulfillment of God’s purpose for creation. Like all metaphors, it… Continue reading

The “So What” of the Last Things: Part Two

For most people the word “evangelism” conjures up images of tent revivals, pleading evangelists, threats of hell, promises of heaven, and “getting saved.” Evangelism is all some churches and Christians want to talk about while in other churches it is one of the most uncomfortable topics imaginable.  One of the… Continue reading

The “So What?” about the Last things: Part One

I have written many articles on this blog on the topic of eschatology. In this article and its companion to follow, I want us to consider why eschatology is important in the Christian faith and, more importantly, in following Jesus. In other articles, I have dealt with the sick distortions… Continue reading

Paul and the Gospel, Part Seven

Two useful words when considering the role of Scripture in formulating our individual and corporate theologies in our unique time and place are exegesis and hermeneutics. Exegesis comes from the Greek word exthegeisthai meaning “to lead out/to explain/to interpret”. Exegesis is a critical investigation of a text within its various… Continue reading

Joy to the World?

I would suggest for any age, and especially for our own time, trusting that love will win, justice will prevail, compassion will heal, and reconciliation will be complete and lasting is absolutely necessary if we are to know joy and have the energy and inspiration to cherish this world and work for those things which make for peace. Continue reading

Shalom: Part Three

(19 minutes) The third dimension of shalom can be seen in the following definition (I do not know who first offered this definition, but I have seen it in several publications without reference to authorship): “Shalom is a state of being where nothing is broken and no one is missing.”… Continue reading