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Micah 3:1-12 “On the Menu”

My insightful cousin-in-law and poet Mary Boren shared a quote on Facebook from the late, great Ann Richards (former governor of Texas before Republican lunacy possessed the state). In her down-to-earth way, Richards voiced an unfortunate truth which has plagued humans for thousands of years: “If you are not at… Continue reading

Totalism: Part Four

In Tenacious Solidarity: Biblical Provocations on Race, Religion, Climate, and the Economy, biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann offers this definition of totalism: By “totalism” I mean a system of signs and symbols that make a claim of validity that is all-encompassing, that will allow no challenge or competition, and that will… Continue reading

Totalism: Part Three

In Tenacious Solidarity: Biblical Provocations on Race, Religion, Climate, and the Economy, biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann offers this definition of totalism: By “totalism” I mean a system of signs and symbols that make a claim of validity that is all-encompassing, that will allow no challenge or competition, and that will… Continue reading

Totalism: Part One

(In other articles, I have expressed my debt to and appreciation of the work of biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann. Tenacious Solidarity: Biblical Provocations on Race, Religion, Climate, and the Economy is one of his recent books which I believe speaks so powerfully to our current national crisis. It is 472… Continue reading

Shalom: Part One

(10 minutes) The world, and especially Christianity, has been gifted with a profound religious perspective from Judaism.  Anyone who compares Judaism with other religions in the ancient world will find a uniqueness, relevance, and obstinate dedication to truth. Unlike the fertility religions of its day and the cyclic religions of… Continue reading

Matthew 20:1-15 “The Scandal of Grace”

One of Jesus’ favorite ways of teaching was through parables. Parables were used by other teachers in Judaism. However, Jesus’ parables seem unique. His parables were almost always about situations involving common people: a shepherd looking for a lost sheep; a woman kneading yeast into flour; a peasant awakened by… Continue reading

Economics as If People Matter

The modern economy is propelled by a frenzy of greed and indulges in an orgy of envy, and these are not accidental features but the very causes of its expansionist success. . . If human vices such as greed and envy are systematically cultivated, the inevitable result is nothing less… Continue reading

The Economic Dimension of Racism

The last forty years have seen a growing inequality in income, wealth, and opportunity. The poor are getting poorer, and the middle-class is shrinking. But perhaps most alarming of all is the dangerous and tragic gulf between White people and people of color. Statistics can be boring, but they can… Continue reading

Luke 18:1-8 “Persistence and Promise, a Winning Combination

With this parable Jesus deals with a very serious subject by means of a humorous story–one which at first tickles our fancy, then with the use of imagination results in some hearty chuckles, and finally with some insight brings us to profound truth. When God’s Kingdom seems to be painfully… Continue reading