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    This blog has moved to an 'online forever' home, no longer being updated here after August 4, 2024, as the randomscreenful.us domain will soon be expiring. Please bookmark the new address at ronzorn2.wordpress.com

Zombies and Easter: Part Three

(18 minutes) The gospel is the Christian narrative of God’s great revelation in Jesus of Nazareth. This Christian story is true both metaphorically and historically. It is saturated with word and deed, Spirit and flesh, heaven and earth, transcendence and immanence, mind and body. The story begins before time, space,… Continue reading

Why Do We Christians Get It So Wrong? Part Five

(21 minutes) LITERALISM: With the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment which occurred in Europe between the 15th and 18th centuries, humans (at least, some of them) began to emphasize reason and science in their interpretation of the world. Superstition gave way to a more objective pursuit of knowledge… Continue reading

Gettysburg, Lincoln, and Science

Throughout the Democratic National Convention, I was reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address which ended with “that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.” I could only imagine what Lincoln would think of how Trump has perverted the party Lincoln founded…. Continue reading

Genesis 1-12:3 “The First Things” (Genesis and Science) Part 1

Introduction to the “First Things”: Genesis and Science For centuries the opening chapters of Genesis have provided a battleground on which the church and science have viciously fought. There was a time when the church persecuted those who believed that the earth circled the sun. The church, based on teachings… Continue reading