Philippians 2:1-11 Albert Schweitzer and “Third Class”

One of the giants of the 20th century was Albert Schweitzer. In his first 30 years he accomplished more in several fields than most people can pull off in a lifetime. He wrote one book in theology, The Quest of the Historical Jesus, which changed the whole course of biblical… Continue reading

Luke 4:1-13 “Good Looking Devil”

In the popular movie Broadcast News, we are humorously introduced to a temptation faced by today’s network news. On one hand we have Aaron who is a brilliant reporter, passionate about his vocation, and committed to the highest professional standards. He believes the news should be fair, accurate, and informative…. Continue reading

Luke 24:13-35 “Now We See Him, Now We Don’t”

The appearance of the Risen Christ to the disciples on the road to Emmaus is one of the richest passages in all of Scripture. This passage is a source of tender comfort and subtle challenge. I can remember the minister commenting on these verses at my father’s funeral, and because… Continue reading

Mark 16:1-8 “Threatened With Resurrection”

Woody Allen, in his movie “Annie Hall” tells the story of a man who goes to a psychiatrist, complaining that his brother-in-law, who lives with him, thinks he is a chicken. “Describe his symptoms,” the doctor says. “Maybe I can help.” “Well,” replies the man, “he cackles a lot, he… Continue reading