Though the POTUS has tweeted a threat

Democratic Reps. Elijah Cummings and John Conyers, the respective ranking members of the House oversight and judiciary committees, requested from White House counsel Donald McGahn copies of all recordings between Trump and Comey.


“It is a crime to intimidate or threaten any potential witness with the intent to influence, delay, or prevent their official testimony,” the two wrote in a letter. “The President’s actions this morning — as well as his admission yesterday on national television that he fired Director Comey because he was investigating Trump campaign officials and their connections to the Russian government — raise the specter of possible intimidation and obstruction of justice. The President’s actions also risk undermining the ongoing criminal and counter-intelligence investigations and the independence of federal law enforcement agencies.”


Trump threatens Comey in Twitter outburst



Though the POTUS has tweeted a threat
to intimidate Comey, don’t fret…
it’s another lame ruse
and another lit fuse
for a smoke bomb he’s gonna regret.

Susan Eckenrode, 5/12/17



“Bannon revealed all, about the reasons behind the president’s curious Cabinet choices. The plan, he said, was ‘deconstruction of the administrative state,’ which he and Trump apparently believe robs people of their independence and hurts economic growth.

So that’s why Trump nominated a labor secretary who wants to replace workers at his fast-food restaurants with robots, an energy secretary who once advocated abolishing the department and an education secretary who doesn’t care much for public schools.”

News & Observer Editorial



The mind of a horrified nation
indulges its shallow fixation
on the brazen buffoon
sucking air from the room
twee-twee-tweeting his posts by dictation …

while his cabinet’s poised like a cannon
behind the unscrupulous Bannon.
They’re loaded and lethal,
exceedingly gleeful
about the destruction they’re plannin’.

© Mary Boren, 2017