Insignificant people, make way

The latest moment from President Donald Trump’s trip abroad to go viral is a brief video which appears to show Trump moving aside another NATO leader so he can be front and center in a photo.


The moment, which has been widely shared on social media, shows Trump putting his hand on Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro, and stepping around the him before adjusting his jacket.


A number of social media users have criticized the president for the move, including filmmaker Ava DuVernay, who shared the video on Twitter with the caption, “A class act. A statesman. A real gentleman.”


Trump Shoves NATO Leader Aside, Twitter Reacts: ‘Classy Leader Alert!’
The Wrap



Insignificant people, make way
for the clown from the U.S. of A.
as he jockeys and shoves
to the spotlight he loves:
“Look at me all day long every day!”

Mary Boren, 5/25/17


So the CIA head testified

During a House Intelligence Committee Hearing on Tuesday, former CIA Director John Brennan confirmed he’s aware of communications between the Trump campaign and Russian officials that sparked concern about possible collusion.




That “information and intelligence,” Brennan added, led to the FBI’s counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign, which began in July 2016.


Brennan was responding to a question from Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) about evidence of collusion that seemed intended to highlight that no such evidence exists. His effort backfired. During House Intelligence Committee hearing about the Russia probe, Gowdy has repeatedly tried to change the topic from possible collusion involving the Trump campaign to leaks.


Trey Gowdy’s effort to throw cold water on
Trump-Russia collusion backfires spectacularly

Think Progress



So the CIA head testified
and as much as the congressman tried
to silence critiques
by obsessing on leaks,
there’s a story that can’t be denied.

Mary Boren, 5/25/17


Once we’ve booted his ass outta here

With talk of Trump being impeached being just talk now, it’s impossible to know who Pence might nominate as his vice president should he be forced to assume the role of president. Would he opt to elevate Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to the role of vice president, or would he nominate a fellow Tea Partier like Sarah Palin? While too soon to tell, it’s important to remember that whomever Pence might nominate to succeed him as vice president should he become POTUS, could also, according to the presidential order of succession, potentially succeed him to the presidency.


Who Would Be Vice President If Trump Is Impeached?



Once we’ve booted his ass outta here
there still won’t be reason to cheer;
with Pence as the POTUS
his devious modus
operandi will quickly appear.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/24/17


not to show that he’s weak with a bow

Conservatives, including Trump, were quick to slam former President Barack Obama in 2012 when it appeared he bowed to then-Saudi leader King Abdullah at a G-20 summit.


Donald Trump Shows Power Of U.S. By Curtsying For Saudi King
Huffington Post


So, the POTUS has honored his vow
not to show that he’s weak with a bow
to a leader or king
but he’s made it a thing
that a curtsy’s acceptable now.

Susan Eckenrode, 5/21/17


An example of classic projection

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who is leading one of the congressional investigations of Russia’s election interference and its possible ties to the Trump campaign, said he’s concerned by a report in The New York Times that President Trump called fired FBI Director James Comey a “nut job” at a meeting with Russian government officials.


“I hope that’s not true, I don’t know if that’s what was said or not,” the Utah Republican told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos of the report about the president’s May 10 meeting.


Chaffetz hopes Trump didn’t call Comey ‘nut job’ to Russians
ABC News


An example of classic projection
by a POTUS who lacks introspection–
Calling Comey a nut job
is a curious cut lob*
that’s reflecting his own predilection.

*cut lob – to hurl an unkindness at someone

Lily Beth Baker, 5/20/17


Whine Not

Here’s the thing. Donald Trump right now is terrified about what’s happening within his administration. He understands that he can no longer duck and cover from the countless scandals that he has been involved in in the 120, less than 120 days that he has been president. Now he’s freaking out, and so he wants to make it again all about him being persecuted. This isn’t about anything he did wrong. It’s about people just being mean in the eyes of Donald Trump. That could not be further from the truth.


Trump Whines On Twitter
About Being The Most Persecuted Politician Ever

Gary Bentley, Ring of Fire Network



With the sissy-in-chief either whining
or schmoozing world leaders while dining,
self aggrandizing tripe
has gone way beyond ripe
where the spotlight’s perpetually shining.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/20/17


Get prepared for a deafening clatter

Trump and his staff have held meetings to determine the best response to The Washington Post’s report that the president leaked intelligence about an ISIS plot to the Russian ambassador and foreign minister in the Oval Office, Foreign Policy reported.


Retaliation against Trump’s predecessor was apparently a popular option.


President Trump’s investigation distraction:
Point to Obama’s use of intel-sharing program



Get prepared for a deafening clatter
and a lot of nonsensical chatter
with intent to distract
from each relevant fact
that might get to the heart of the matter.

Lily Beth Baker, 5/19/17

As Comey’s recounting a medley

Just one of several instances of unwanted attention described in the article:

Mr. Comey has spoken privately of his concerns that the contacts from Mr. Trump and his aides were inappropriate, and how he felt compelled to resist them.




Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him that he initially did not want to go to the meeting because the F.B.I. director should not have too close a relationship with the White House. But Mr. Comey went because he wanted to represent the bureau.


The ceremony occurred in the Blue Room of the White House, where many senior law enforcement officials — including the Secret Service director — had gathered. Mr. Comey — who is 6 feet 8 inches tall and was wearing a dark blue suit that day – told Mr. Wittes that he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.


“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.


But Mr. Trump spotted Mr. Comey and called him out.


“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”


With an abashed look on his face, Mr. Comey walked up to Mr. Trump.


“Comey said that as he was walking across the room he was determined that there wasn’t going to be a hug,” Mr. Wittes said. “It was bad enough there was going to be a handshake. And Comey has long arms so Comey said he pre-emptively reached out for a handshake and grabbed the president’s hand. But Trump pulled him into an embrace and Comey didn’t reciprocate. If you look at the video, it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.”


Comey, Unsettled by Trump, Is Said to Have Wanted Him Kept at a Distance
Michael Schmidt, The New York Times


As Comey’s recounting a medley
of efforts to get in his head, the
invasion of bubble
foreshadowing trouble
is creepy, pathetic, and deadly.

Mary Boren, 5/19/17


If he’s president even a year

“I know that there are those who are talking about, ‘Well, we’re going to get ready for the next election,’” she [Representative Maxine Waters] said, mimicking her more cautious colleagues. “No, we can’t wait that long. We don’t need to wait that long. He will have destroyed this country by then.”


Liberals are planning a series of nationwide protests on July 2 known as “Impeachment Marches” to increase the pressure.


“We expect them to call for impeachment,” said Delia Brown, one of the organizers of the march in Los Angeles. “This is now the zeitgeist, it’s the demands of people we’re responding to.”


Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump
The New York Times



If he’s president even a year
and impeachment’s not kicked into gear,
if he’s still in our midst,
we’ll defy and persist
’til we’ve booted his ass outta here!

Lily Beth Baker, 5/18/17


All the turmoil is taking a toll

It’s not judges or senators who will save us from the worst of Trump, which is most of Trump. His undoing will come from within. Be as cynical as you want about Washington — I certainly indulge myself — but there remain insiders with consciences, and some of them actually work for the president. They’re willing to work against him if circumstances warrant it. Circumstances have been warranting it, and here we are.


What we’re witnessing is astonishing. I don’t mean Trump’s actions — including the infuriating reports that he divulged highly classified information to Russian visitors and had asked James Comey to lay off Michael Flynn — though those do qualify. I mean how reliably Trump’s embarrassing or outrageous behavior always reaches journalists, as government officials use the very media that he demonizes to expose his recklessness, ridicule his cluelessness, warn Americans about his intentions and head him off at the pass.


This much leaking this soon in an administration explodes the norms of the White House every bit as much as Trump’s own conduct does, and it’s an indication more powerful than just about any other of what kind of president we have. He is so unprepared, shows such bad judgment and has such an erratic temper that he’s not trusted by people who are paid to bolster him and who get the most intimate, unvarnished look at him. Some of them have decided that discretion isn’t always the keeping of secrets, not if it protects bad actors. They’re right. And they give me hope.


Blessed be the tattletales in the Trump White House
Opinion, The Seattle Times



All the turmoil is taking a toll
at the prospect there’s more than one mole
bent on bringing him down.
Will king trump lose the crown
for which he has ransomed his soul?

Lily Beth Baker, 5/17/17