Remember how plainly he spoke

“Still, coal’s long-term outlook is poor, less because of environmental regulations than market forces, including competition from natural gas and increasingly cost-effective renewable sources. Loosening environmental laws won’t make coal cheaper than natural gas, and it certainly won’t make it cleaner.”


Wrong Message, Wrong Coal Mine
Editorial, The New York Times


Graphic by Rafael Barker



Remember how plainly he spoke
That he’d rescue the blue-collar folk?
Now the miners and truckers
And factory workers
Are the butt of a billionaire’s joke.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


No visitor logs?

“The White House announced Friday that it would cut off public access to visitor logs revealing who is entering the White House complex and which officials they are meeting, breaking with the Obama administration’s practice and returning a cloak of secrecy over the basic day-to-day workings of the government.”


White House to Keep Its Visitor Logs Secret
The New York Times




Graphic by Rafael Barker


No visitor logs? Tell me, is it
To hide something dark and illicit?
Or is the big twit
Ashamed to admit
He can’t get his own wife to visit?

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


Though there’s always been plenty to fear

“Officials in North Korea today warned that President Donald Trump’s ‘troublemaking’ and ‘aggressive’ tweets have led to the ‘extremely tense’ situation on the Korean Peninsula.”


Fears of war as North Korea to test nuclear weapons despite Trump warning



Though there’s always been plenty to fear,
Forty-five has it upped to high gear.
Will his war machinations
make him known as our nation’s
first commander and chief profiteer?

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


Forty-five hasn’t shifted his views

“President Donald Trump has reversed his position on at least six major issues this week, giving up pledges he made on the campaign trail and repeatedly touted to his base.”


Sean Spicer: Trump Hasn’t Shifted On Positions. Positions Shifted To Trump.
The Huffington Post



Forty-five hasn’t shifted his views,
(that’s according to Sean’s latest ruse.)
It’s the world that has shifted
to Trump’s he insisted,
while scraping bs off his shoes.


The Sand of Mar-a-Lago

In the Sands of Mar-a-Lago
Near the golf course fair and green
Rest the ruins of our nation
By Lord Shelley long foreseen.
For he wrote of King with ego
Proud and mighty, commanding sneer.
In power search betrays our credo
How could we let it happen here?


© 2017 Sandra Melville


Image Credit

When his name is engraved upon granite

“Only 10 weeks into his presidency, and at great risk to future generations, Donald Trump has ordered the demolition of most of President Barack Obama’s policies to combat climate change by reducing emissions from fossil fuels.”


President Trump Risks the Planet
Editorial Board, The New York Times


Graphic by Rafael Barker



When his name is engraved upon granite
In the rubble that’s left of our planet,
Some wandering spirit
May say (we won’t hear it),
“This can’t be America, can it?”

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Yes, Russiagate keeps getting bigger

Trump dubbed ‘Commander-in-distraction’ after dropping gigantic bomb on Afghanistan

A source told the newspaper [The Guardian] the official [US] investigation was now making progress and had “specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion … between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.”


British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia
The Guardian

The Guardian has been told the FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow ahead of the US election. This was in part due to US law that prohibits US agencies from examining the private communications of American citizens without warrants. “They are trained not to do this,” the source stressed.


“It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep,” the source added. “They [the European agencies] were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’


“The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”



Graphic by Rafael Barker


Yes, Russiagate keeps getting bigger,
And Donny’s responding with vigor:
He means to conceal
What the probes may reveal
By incessantly pulling the trigger.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


On NATO, he swivels with ease

“It was almost as if Trump’s outsider presidential campaign never happened as he rushed to embrace mainstream political and national security positions he once publicly abhorred.”


Trump’s stunning u-turns on NATO, China, Russia and Syria


Graphic by Rafael Barker


On NATO, he swivels with ease
A hundred and eighty degrees.
It makes one’s head whip—
Now, let’s see him flip
On climate and banned refugees.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson



Justly Requited

United Airlines Forcibly Drags Doctor Off Plane After Overbooking (Video)

“For the flying public, the episode served as a stark reminder that a seat isn’t guaranteed until a flight is airborne. Almost half a million passengers on major U.S. airlines got bumped last year, but most of them volunteered to lose their seats in return for credits for future flights.”


United Airlines’ brand takes a beating after bumped passenger dragged off plane
Chicago Tribune


Graphic by Rafael Barker



The BLOTUS, loud-mouthed and short-sighted,
In my dreams, would be justly requited:
His healthcare would be
What he tried to sell me,
And he’d travel in coach on United.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


So his heart inexplicably warms,

“Defense contractor stocks have risen in the months since Trump was elected, spurred by his promises of a ‘historic’ increase in U.S. military spending. The budget Trump proposed last month includes an additional $52 billion for the Department of Defense.”


Syria Airstrikes Instantly Added Nearly $5 Billion to Missile-Makers’ Stock Value


Graphic by Rafael Barker


So his heart inexplicably warms,
And he suddenly cares whom he harms?
No, he’s rushing to war
Specifically for
Enriching the dealers of arms.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson