I’ve Been Thinking Lately

I’ve been thinking lately
there’s much that seems amiss –
tragedies are stacking up
and I am found transfixed.

Storms beyond the normal storms
leave waves of woe behind
the used-to-be’s of basic needs
delaying peace of mind

Western mountains all aflame
where blaze and daze collide
homes in ashy ruins gaze
on ashy mountainsides

I watch the “ne’er-before’s” amass
and wonder what’s gone wrong
Americans with blinders on
do their own thing – headstrong

The freedom light of liberty’s
been changed by those we trust
they’re chanting wrongs that don’t seem right
ignoring peaceful musts!

Terror showed its hateful face
when tolerance took leave
so now the death of love adds up
with number’s disbelief.

I hear the silent voice of those
long gone, before the change
o’er took our eyes to view our lives
with feelings of estrange.

I’ve been thinking lately
there’s much that seems amiss –
tragedies are stacking up
and I am found transfixed.


© 2017 Joy A. Burki-Watson