I vow to always dress in black

“For more than half the nation and much of the world, we are in a period of mourning. After waking up to President-elect Donald J. Trump ― what many can only describe as a nightmare ― Americans face emotionally charged weeks and months ahead.

For those wondering how to face the oncoming days, it’s important to stop and acknowledge that this is an event that signifies a monumental loss. That post-election grief you’re feeling is real, and it’s every bit as legitimate as the pain that stems from a difficult breakup or the loss of a loved one.”

Your Post-Election Pain is Real Grief
The Huffington Post


I vow to always dress in black
until we get our country back
but if I die before we do,
then this is what I ask of you:
Wrap body up in black and burn;
store ashes in a tall black urn;
place urn into a big black sack
until we get our country back.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017