A Ticket to Hell? The Devil Doesn’t Want Him!

“And, as is Trump’s wont and calling card, he oversold his voters a bill of goods that he would never be able to deliver. The Pied Piper of pipe dreams did in politics what he had done in business: He got people to buy into a success mythology in which he was a wizard. In this mythology, ethics, honor and truth are casualties.”

A Ticket to Hell
-Charles M. Blow, Opinion Page, New York Times


Nothing Special Here

“Incompetence surrounds me; send him down!”
the devil snarls and smacks a demon’s head,
“I sent you for a jewel to grace my crown
but you returned with such as this instead.

He chose to chart his course with us, you fool,
abused his privileged past and served me well.
His path to power flaunted every rule
and manufactured facts were his to sell.

A sad dictator-wannabe my prize?
His soul’s already mine! He came to me!
Go look among the ones who shield their eyes
from Truth that lights the dark eternity.

Those treasures wait untarnished, still naive
and unaware of what lies up my sleeve.”

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Author’s Note: I have always held that if there is a devil recruiting souls, would he not be looking among those who are not yet corrupted, so that he can enjoy the challenge of enticing them to choose corruptions. What challenge, what prize, in the ones already there?


The Trump Pet Calls

“My master sends me here to take your soul,”
the gnarly, nut brown elf proclaims with glee.
“It is his fervent wish and heartfelt goal
that you will pack your bags and come with me.
I know I’m not what you’d expect to see
on this your dying day, here at your door.
Perhaps you thought God’s grace would set you free?
We checked, He doesn’t want you anymore.
Look here, your name’s the first one on my roll;
‘The Donald didn’t win in Heaven’s poll.’ ”

“My master sees your soul is second rate,
an empty vessel void of love or care.
Your arrogance won’t let you hide the hate
behind whichever mask you choose to wear.
Convincing your supporters you would share
your business acumen… that’s quite a trick!
He’s so impressed with all your Faustian flair
for winning votes with racist rhetoric
and promises you’d make their country great.
You’ve won your just reward, come meet your fate.”


© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

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