In the face of each ludicrous lie told

Morning Joe dropped a very revealing nugget on Monday’s show, with both Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski accusing White House Counsellor Kellyanne Conway of being a fraud.


Now, obviously, Conway’s regular use of “alternative facts” is nothing new, but Mika and Joe went even further, alleging that she secretly hates Trump and made it known to them after appearances on their show during the campaign.


Per Brzezinski:


“This is a woman, by the way, who came on our show during the campaign and would shill for Trump in extensive fashion and then she would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off and she would say ‘bleeech I need to take a shower’ because she disliked her candidate so much.”


Scarborough backed it up 100%.


Kellyanne Conway Secretly Hates Donald Trump



In the face of each ludicrous lie told
when Kellyanne opens her pie hole,
those verbal contortions
of epic proportions
are worthy of Anderson’s eye roll.

Mary Boren, 5/16/17


He’s playing his voters for fools.

“A ‘one-year apprenticeship’ at Trump University cost $1,495, according to court documents, while a ‘membership’ cost at least $10,000 and the ‘Gold Elite,’ the seminar’s most expensive class, cost $35,000.


Trump University effectively closed in 2010, the same year the New York Department of Education directed the program to stop operating without a license.


In advertisements for Trump University, Trump said he ‘hand-picked’ the instructors, but he did not remember a single instructor during a deposition.”


Trump University $25 million settlement approved
CNN Money

Trump U, quite unlike other schools,
Was a rip-off that broke all the rules.
But that was just practice;
Today, the sad fact is
He’s playing his voters for fools.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson