Aiming to Blame

“Unlike his personal hero, Vladimir Putin, President Trump can’t have his political opponents thrown into prison, shot dead in the street or flung off fourth-floor balconies. In Moscow, Russian soldiers could have herded those women in stupid pink hats into stockades like cows. If a few opinionated heifers got roughed up, well, they asked for it, didn’t they?


Instead, Trump was reduced to making excuses for the failure of his farcical Obamacare ‘reform’ by launching impotent attacks against just about everybody in Washington.”

Trump’s desperate quest for someone to blame
Gene Lyons, Opinion, Chicago Sun Times



So the POTUS has steadied his aim
at the culprits he’s sure are to blame
for the health bill’s demise;
yeah, they better get wise,
‘cause his shit-list includes every name.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


Polls plunge, his balloon of good luck pops

“The healthcare failure called into question not only Trump’s ability to get other key parts of his agenda, including tax cuts and a boost in infrastructure spending, through Congress, but the Republican Party’s capacity to govern effectively.”

Trump tastes failure as U.S. House healthcare bill collapses


Polls plunge, his balloon of good luck pops,
And they’re grumbling in diners and truck stops.
Sure looks like old Drumpfy
Is not very comfy
Behind the big desk where the buck stops.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson



With the White House a rolling disaster (3 link limerick chain)

“When Republicans imagined having a president of their own and control of Congress, they thought it would be a nonstop string of legislative achievements and improvements to government, bringing an inspiring new era of efficiency and effectiveness that showed Americans what the GOP was really capable of.

That is not quite how things are working out.”

Why is the Trump presidency such a rolling disaster?
-Paul Waldman, Opinion, The Washington Post


With the White House a rolling disaster,
each policy more horse’s-assed-er,
Republicans worry
and frantically scurry
to cling to a crumbling pilaster.

© 2017 Mary Boren

As they cling to a crumbling pilaster,
our Ms. Liberty wishes they’d asked her
to reiterate
how this country was great
up until oligarchists sneaked past her.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode

Long before oligarchists sneaked past her,
claiming power and wealth as their master
she stood for us all
to answer her call
and no other republic surpassed her.

© 2017 Lily Beth Baker