We need a diversion

The shock sacking of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday represents an attempt by the Republican administration to distract public attention from the damaging revelations contained in Sally Yates’s testimony before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee the previous day, former Senator and Governor (D-FL) Bob Graham told i24NEWS.


“We’re in a state of mutually assured destruction,” Graham said, referring to the partisan discord in Washington. “It seems as if both sides are trying to lob the biggest bomb they can at the other in order to get the public’s attention off the last bomb.”


“I think the timing is very suspect, that it would be done the day after this very damning testimony by Miss Yates relative to the President’s handling of information that indicated that his number one national security advisor compromised himself to the Russians,” Graham further added.


Comey sacking ‘a diversion from Yates testimony’: Bob Graham to i24NEWS
i24NEWS Americas


I’ll bet it was getting some hotter
for POTUS or maybe his dotter.
“We need a diversion
to stop this occursion!”
sez he, that precedent rotter.

Eric Linden, 5/10/17

Subject to whim and caprice?

“He has moved to keep a number of the scary promises that were easier to dismiss as unfeasible during the campaign than to accept as actual policies in the real world. But the big stories he has generated have had nothing to do with these actions.


This is the result of a manipulation strategy described long ago by historian and cognitive scientist Noam Chomsky: ‘Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.’ Leftists such as Chomsky argue that this is what capitalist elites do, but I know it as a common tactic of kleptocratic regimes such as Vladimir Putin’s in Russia.”


Trump is a master of diversionary tactics
Leonid Bershidsky, Opinion, Chicago Tribune


Graphic by Rafael Barker


We keep hearing, almost without cease,
That he’s subject to whim and caprice.
If you buy it, you’re dreaming;
His act is the scheming
Of a wolf who is costumed in fleece.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson