Once we’ve booted his ass outta here

With talk of Trump being impeached being just talk now, it’s impossible to know who Pence might nominate as his vice president should he be forced to assume the role of president. Would he opt to elevate Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to the role of vice president, or would he nominate a fellow Tea Partier like Sarah Palin? While too soon to tell, it’s important to remember that whomever Pence might nominate to succeed him as vice president should he become POTUS, could also, according to the presidential order of succession, potentially succeed him to the presidency.


Who Would Be Vice President If Trump Is Impeached?



Once we’ve booted his ass outta here
there still won’t be reason to cheer;
with Pence as the POTUS
his devious modus
operandi will quickly appear.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/24/17