Ode to the Odious O’Reilly

“More than 50 advertisers had abandoned his show, and women’s rights groups had called for him to be fired. Inside the company, women expressed outrage and questioned whether top executives were serious about maintaining a culture based on ‘trust and respect,’ as they had promised last summer when another sexual harassment scandal led to the ouster of Roger E. Ailes as chairman of Fox News.”


Bill O’Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News
The New York Times



I’d like to say we’ll miss you, Bill
But, truth be told, we never will
The way you paw the women-folk
Suggests you’re one repulsive bloke
(Though Donald Trump may think that’s cool
His moral sense is miniscule)
Farewell, O haughty baritone
TV is now a “no-Bill zone!”

© 2017 Dan Letwin


On the Congressional Address

“It was a restrained performance, which means the media once again salivated over the possibility of a more presidential Trump,” -Seth Meyers

Seth takes a closer look at Donald Trump’s restrained first speech to Congress


His momentary presidential air,
enabled by the writers’ hackneyed fare,
has earned him cautious kudos all around.
Until his tweets on twitter feed confound
and leave us wondering if he understood
a single phrase he uttered for the good.
We’d understand it for him if we could.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017


I vow to always dress in black

“For more than half the nation and much of the world, we are in a period of mourning. After waking up to President-elect Donald J. Trump ― what many can only describe as a nightmare ― Americans face emotionally charged weeks and months ahead.

For those wondering how to face the oncoming days, it’s important to stop and acknowledge that this is an event that signifies a monumental loss. That post-election grief you’re feeling is real, and it’s every bit as legitimate as the pain that stems from a difficult breakup or the loss of a loved one.”

Your Post-Election Pain is Real Grief
The Huffington Post


I vow to always dress in black
until we get our country back
but if I die before we do,
then this is what I ask of you:
Wrap body up in black and burn;
store ashes in a tall black urn;
place urn into a big black sack
until we get our country back.

© Lily Beth Baker, 2017