He excels in the art of the scam

“He’s getting what he cares about.


“Donald Trump attracted a reputation over the years as a ruthless and unscrupulous businessman. He said on the campaign trail that having been ‘greedy all my life,’ he now wanted to be greedy on behalf of the American people — but nobody seriously believed him.”


Donald Trump’s first 100 days
have been a moneymaking success story




He excels in the art of the scam
and each hint of compassion’s a sham.
His ego has strangled
his soul and entangled
his heart in a shroud of “I am”.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


President Trump: Release Your Tax Returns

“Without his returns, Americans are in the dark about Trump’s conflicts of interest, his foreign entanglements, and whether he even pays any taxes at all.”


On April 15th, we’re marching on Washington, D.C., and in communities across the country to show that we do care. And that we’re not going away. Tens of thousands of Americans will send a clear message to Donald Trump: The president is accountable to the American people, and he must answer to us.”




President Trump: Release Your Tax Returns

Graphic by Rafael Barker


Oh, the golfing and banquets and flowers!
The resorts and the clubs and the towers!
The irony wracks us:
While hiding his taxes,
He’s living so richly on ours.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson

Cough up those returns!

Signing an online petition can seem like a feeble substitute for actual IRL activism—that’s why critics call it “slacktivism.” But even though typing in your name and email is a pretty minimal show of effort, it might not be totally meaningless. Under the We the People system, any petition that reaches 100,000 signatures receives an official response, and that’s a potentially powerful thing, at least if Trump doesn’t discontinue the system. –A Petition Didn’t Make Trump Give Up His Tax Returns—But It Made Him Listen, Wired


No matter how high you are riding,
Our need to know isn’t subsiding.
Curiosity burns—
Cough up those returns!
Just what in the heck are you hiding?

© Colleen Anderson, 2017