The President’s wrecking ball swings

“Mr. Trump made clear that the United States had no intention of meeting the commitments that his predecessor had made to curb planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution, turning denials of climate change into national policy.”

Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies
The New York Times


The President’s wrecking ball swings
at the whim of industrial kings.
“In Money We Trust”
will be scribed in the dust
of the rubble their avarice brings.

© 2017 Mary Boren


So, Pruitt’s prepared his rejection

“Seventeen congressional Republicans signed a resolution on Wednesday vowing to seek “economically viable” ways to stave off global warming, challenging the stated views of President Donald Trump, who has called climate change a hoax.”

In challenge to Trump, 17 Republicans join fight against global warming


So, Pruitt’s prepared his rejection
of carbon dioxide’s connection
to warming the earth.
He claims there’s a dearth
of evidence( since the election).

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode