Snakes on the Plane

“”It very much seems like the lid has been ripped off Pandora’s Box and virtually every minority out there is a target.” – Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center, in an interview by PBS New Hour: Hate crimes in the U.S. have risen. How do we respond?


There were snakes on the plane
but they stayed in the hold,
’til a pied piper came
with his pipes wrapped in gold.

Soon he’d open the door,
and invite them all in,
playing tunes snakes adore
with a lecherous grin.

Then each snake slithered out,
filled with venomous hate.
They were vipers, no doubt
and their numbers were great.

If the people resist,
they can rescue their plane.
Ousting snakes in their midst,
they’ll fly safely again.

© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017