Now a journalist’s under arrest

“So I persisted,” said Heyman, a journalist for Public News Service who had been wearing his press pass during the incident. “At some point, I think they decided I was too persistent trying to do my job.”




“He wasn’t doing anything different than what happens every day around the country, which is a reporter trying to get a question answered,” said Heyman’s attorney, Tim DiPiero on Wednesday. DiPiero also said he failed to see how Price walking through a hallway in the state house was a government process that Heyman interfered with.


<p align="right"Reporter arrested while trying to ask Trump health-care chief Tom Price questions about Obamacare replacement



Now a journalist’s under arrest
for exclaiming too loud as he pressed
on repeal and replace
and its goal to erase
the protections already assessed.

Lily Beth Baker, 5/10/17


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