He’s playing his voters for fools.

“A ‘one-year apprenticeship’ at Trump University cost $1,495, according to court documents, while a ‘membership’ cost at least $10,000 and the ‘Gold Elite,’ the seminar’s most expensive class, cost $35,000.


Trump University effectively closed in 2010, the same year the New York Department of Education directed the program to stop operating without a license.


In advertisements for Trump University, Trump said he ‘hand-picked’ the instructors, but he did not remember a single instructor during a deposition.”


Trump University $25 million settlement approved
CNN Money

Trump U, quite unlike other schools,
Was a rip-off that broke all the rules.
But that was just practice;
Today, the sad fact is
He’s playing his voters for fools.

© 2017 Colleen Anderson


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