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Original Sin: Part Three

(9 minutes) In the first two articles in this series, we looked at the doctrine of original sin and how Western Christianity and Eastern Christianity differed in their understanding of this concept. We saw that Western Christianity taught that we inherit both the guilt and the consequences of the sin… Continue reading

Original Sin: Part Two

(7 minutes) According to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, we inherit the consequences of our ancestors’ sin but not the guilt associated with that sin. Some Eastern Orthodox theologians prefer the term “ancestral sin” to “Original Sin.” Each person and generation are responsible for their own guilt; however the consequences of their… Continue reading

Original Sin? Part One

(11 minutes) Many modern/postmodern people are reluctant to talk about sin. Part of the reason is because of the sick theology from much of the church regarding that subject. Emphases on original sin, trivial sins, threats of hell, exclusive claims regarding salvation, and a judgmental, punishing God are a turnoff… Continue reading

The Decline of Religion in the United States

Today, May 23, 2023, I saw two articles on the Internet concerning the decline of religion (especially Christianity) in the US. The first article reports the results of the General Social Survey, the University of Chicago’s research group NORC, the Pew Research Center, Public Religion Research Institute, and a 2022… Continue reading

The Elephant in the Room

This sermon was written for the thousands of churches in our culture who are anxious about the future of their dwindling congregations. The sermon assumes that we are in a time of transition regarding the nature of both the church and Christianity. My hope is that what I share may be helpful as congregations contemplate their identity, mission, and future in our changing society. Continue reading

Whose Stuff Will They Be? Luke 12:13-21

This rich man’s story has been repeated all through recorded history. Whether one is a king or a pauper, a genius or a simpleton, a Republican or a Democrat, a believer or an atheist, everyone leaves this earth with none of the possessions they cherished and valued during their lives. Death is the great equalizer. Continue reading