When Humans Are Better Than God

Often, in an attempt to correct bad theology, I will ask Christians if they know people who are better than the God contained in their belief system. Most often they reply defensively, “Of course not! No one is better than God.” My response is, “I didn’t ask you if humans are better than God. I asked if you have known people who are better than the God you believe in.” They look puzzled by this question and ask for clarification. I then point out the inconsistency I see in their theological affirmations regarding God. Continue reading

Romans 8 12-17 “Scared to Death”

12 So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— 13 for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by… Continue reading

Thank You, and I Love you

At some point during this pandemic my wife and I became aware of people who had contracted the Coronavirus and were in hospitals unable to have loved ones near them because of hospital policy. Some of these people, on ventilators and sicker than they had ever been in their lives,… Continue reading

Genesis 6:1-4 — The First Things (What in the World Are These Verses Doing in the Bible?) Part 13

We come to one of the strangest passages in the entire Bible. Every commentator has struggled with what this passage meant for Israel and, even more so, for our day. Genesis 6:1-4 has no connection with any of the preceding stories or materials. If we take this story as a… Continue reading

John 3:16-17 Series “For God So Loved the World” (Part Four)

(a 14 minute podcast) So far in the sermon series on John 3:16-17, we have demonstrated that the whole premise behind the Good News is “For God so loved the world.” We have also defined eternal life in a way that is true to the New Testament. And we have… Continue reading