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Matthew 18:21-35 “The Dynamics of Forgiveness”

(23 minutes) Read the Scripture Should Christians always forgive? The initial response of most people in the Christian faith is “Yes.” The popular understanding of Christianity seems to include the necessity of forgiveness, regardless of the magnitude of the sin or offence. And I think that’s one reason why some… Continue reading

I Corinthians 15:1-28 “The Impact of Easter”

Wouldn’t be wonderful if we really believed in the resurrection of Jesus? Really trusted with our very being the truth of Easter? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the new creation could start right now with us through how we live, how we love, and how we spread joy and hope in this world? Continue reading

Luke 14:25-33 “The Cost Analysis of Following Jesus”

Now, we can’t change the words of Jesus, but we can ignore them, and ignore them we have. And we preachers have perhaps been most guilty at this point. Soft pedaling Jesus’ message, demands, and example is one way to attract crowds, increase membership, and multiply financial assets. Continue reading

Mark 12: 29-31 “Love as Equal Regard”

We all know that justice without love can become self-righteous and just plain mean. Jesus frequently condemned such mean self-righteousness and warned those guilty of such arrogance that they may be shocked at the “justice” they may receive from a loving and holy God. Continue reading

What Keeps Us from Wonder?

(15 minutes) Wonder is the reason we seek to know any reality whatsoever. (Nicholas of Cusa) Nicholas of Cusa (1400-1464 CE) was a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church who served in Greece. Because of the prominence of the Greek Eastern Orthodox Church in that part of the world, Nicholas… Continue reading

I Corinthians 15:3-8, 12-22, 29 “Halloween and All Saints’ Day”

We are in the season of ghosts, goblins, jack-o-lanterns, and trick-or-treaters. For all practical purposes, Halloween has become for us a secular holiday of spooky fun and kids gorging on candy. The name Halloween comes from the phrase “All Hallows Even” or “All Hallow (Saints) Eve.” Halloween is the evening… Continue reading