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Ephesians 6: 10-20 “Principalities, Powers, and Popguns”

Paul says we are wrestling not with human flesh, but with principalities and powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, and with the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  This passage may not be unfamiliar to those who read their bibles and attend church on a… Continue reading

Luke 6:12-19 “The Gift of Community”

In solitude we heard the voice of God calling us God’s beloved. We experienced unconditional love as God embraced us as we are. And we realized our solidarity with the rest of humanity. We are far more alike than we are different, and by the grace of God our salvation… Continue reading

Luke 18:1-8 “Persistence and Promise, a Winning Combination

With this parable Jesus deals with a very serious subject by means of a humorous story–one which at first tickles our fancy, then with the use of imagination results in some hearty chuckles, and finally with some insight brings us to profound truth. When God’s Kingdom seems to be painfully… Continue reading

Hebrews 11: 1 – What Do We Mean by “Faith”?

I love Clarence Jordan’s translation of this verse from Hebrews: “Faith is the activation of our aspirations, the life based on unseen realities.  It is conviction translated into deeds. In short, it is the word become flesh.” Today, as we look at the concept of faith, we need to begin… Continue reading

God’s Answer to a Bad Reputation

(8 minutes) I believe it was the homiletics professor and minister John Killinger who once said that “Jesus is God’s answer to a bad reputation.” I have often thought of the truth of that pithy statement, especially when I consider the way God is used and abused in our world…. Continue reading

Hebrews 11: 32-38 “Faith’s Reasons and Wounds”

(16 minutes) An impressive television preacher equates faith with positive thinking and promises happiness, success, wealth, and health to those who live by his formula.  A faith healer explains to a family which has just lost a mother that if she had just had enough faith, she would have lived…. Continue reading

Romans 8:18-25 “What Do We Mean by Hope?”

In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul says that three abide: faith, hope, and love. Perhaps few words are as precious to us as followers of Jesus as these three terms.  But what do they mean? Even these wonderful words have been distorted in our culture and unfortunately by some Christians over… Continue reading