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    This blog has moved to an 'online forever' home, no longer being updated here after August 4, 2024, as the randomscreenful.us domain will soon be expiring. Please bookmark the new address at ronzorn2.wordpress.com

Meeting God

God is best experienced as we reach out in compassion and love to others, especially those who are disenfranchised and discounted in our culture. If Jesus was correct in presenting a God who has proclaimed divine solidarity with “the least of these” of our world, then it’s natural to expect that we will find God best as we touch others in God’s healing and liberating name. Continue reading

Philippians 3: 10-14 “The Growing Edge”

Our culture has been blessed by the African American Howard Thurman who has been called the American prophet of soul. With an impressive career as an educator in some of the finest universities in the United States, Thurman was a poet, mystic, philosopher, and theologian. This morning I want to share… Continue reading

Hallelujah Chorus

The church where Susan and I are members [Downey Ave Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)] ends each Easter service with our talented organist Monna Breland playing the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. Everyone in the sanctuary follows the custom of standing during this rousing piece of music. The tradition behind… Continue reading

Job 16:1-17 “The Role of Doubt in the Life of Faith”

The famous preacher Harry Emerson Fosdick told of the time a young man came into his office and announced with satisfaction, “I don’t believe in God.” Fosdick without batting an eye replied, “Tell me what kind of God you don’t believe in. Maybe I don’t believe in that kind of… Continue reading

John 1:1-5; Matthew 13:52 “A True Conservative”

(13 minutes) My ethics professor was Henlee Barnette. Barnette was from North Carolina and never abandoned his blue collar background nestled in the textile industry of the South. He was a wily, crusty old man who could argue circles around not only his students but fellow ethicists. He intimidated his… Continue reading

The Power of Imagination

There is much talk about the need for a revival in the church today. The only revival I believe worth pursuing is one which is willing to be embraced by the divine imagination of a new creation. We need the alternatives Jesus offered just as much as those early disciples did. We need not remain paralyzed and stunted by our stymied hopes and defeatist expectations. Continue reading

Ephesians 4:25-5:2 “The Christian Twist”

In Edinburgh, Scotland in the home of the Protestant leader John Knox, is a display of religious memorabilia. Among the items are tokens in the form of coins given to members of the church after they had been examined by the Elders to determine if they were pure enough to… Continue reading

Revelation 3:20 “Dining With Jesus”

(The following sermon was preached on World Communion Sunday many years ago. For the blog I had to update the statistics regarding L’Arche. Jean Vanier is now ninety years old and still lives within the L’Arche community he founded fifty-five years ago.) One of the greatest saints living today is… Continue reading

Resurrection and Near Death Experiences

When I was a pastor I was often asked what I thought about “near-death experiences” (NDEs). We have all heard of these, and some of you may have even had such an experience. The media has certainly capitalized on this phenomenon, and many trees have been sacrificed to print books… Continue reading