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    This blog has moved to an 'online forever' home, no longer being updated here after August 4, 2024, as the randomscreenful.us domain will soon be expiring. Please bookmark the new address at ronzorn2.wordpress.com

The Path to Progress: Part Five

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees

The last two articles in this series have been blunt about the threat of a sixth mass extinction looming on the horizon caused by human exploitation of nature, greed, ignorance (some of it intentional), and lethal egotism. There have been five mass extinctions in the history of our planet. The… Continue reading

The Path to Progress: Part Four

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees

We Americans tend to measure progress quantitatively. “More, more, and more” is our perpetual mantra. Our brand of capitalism depends on growth in terms of production, distribution, and consumption. We have created an economy which necessarily depends on this spiraling and expanding exploitation of the planet’s resources.  However, Homo sapiens… Continue reading

Indigenous Worldviews Offer Hope to a Besieged Planet

Indigenous Peoples can offer us ways to heal this earth as well as hope for a future that is a desirable alternative to the nightmare predicted by climate scientist if we continue our present patterns of greed, production, and consumption.  Continue reading

A Chilling Thought

On Saturday morning, July10, 2021, Susan and I attended a meeting of the Eastside Creation Care Network. ECCN is composed of members from various congregations on the eastside of Indianapolis. These wonderful followers of Jesus are committed to creation care and addressing the grave climate crisis threatening our world. During… Continue reading

Knowledge Isn’t Wisdom

Earth day (Wednesday, April 22, 2020) is upon us as we focus on the goodness of God’s creation and our obligation within that creation. Whenever I think about the environment and our ecological responsibility, I hear echoes from the First Nations of this continent. In particular, I am reminded of… Continue reading