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Paul and the Gospel, Part Three

The royal proclamation is not simply the conveying of true information about the kingship of Jesus. It is the putting into effect of that kingship, the decisive and authoritative summoning to allegiance. Paul discovered, at the heart of his missionary practice, that when he announced the lordship of Jesus Christ,… Continue reading

Paul and the Gospel, Part Two

The Greek word translated “gospel/glad tidings/good news” in the New Testament is euangelion. “Eu” in that word means “good.” That meaning continues in English words like euthanasia (good death) and eulogy (good word spoken at funerals and memorial services for someone who has died). “Angelion” means “message.” (The Greek word… Continue reading

Paul and the Gospel, Part One

Many Christians in North America would define the gospel in this way: Humans were lost in sin. We were all headed for everlasting hell. God sent His (and the God of this version of the gospel is always a He) Son to take our deserved punishment. Since Jesus was innocent… Continue reading

Dogs and Swine, Part One

With Jesus’ reference to dogs and swine, I think we can assume that he realized there are those who are not ready or perhaps even able to change. He knew it was useless to share his good news with those who were incapable of understanding and embracing his radical alternative. On one occasion he told his disciples that if they encountered opposition and rejection as they went out into the hamlets and villages to spread the gospel, they should simply shake the dust off their sandals and move on to the next village. Continue reading

The Miracle of Dunkirk?

What happened was this: enough ordinary people dared to risk for a greater good. They refused to succumb to cynicism, despair, and negativity. With no assurance of success, they were willing to attempt what seemed, even to the naval experts, to be impossible. They met the crisis of the hour with uncommon courage and dogged determination. Continue reading

Jesus and the Kin-dom of God

Ancient Near Eastern kings were responsible for bringing justice and peace to their people. Israelite rulers were mandated by God to secure justice and peace for their realms. Every messianic passage in the Hebrew Scriptures presents the longed-for king bringing justice and peace.  In the Lord’s Prayer, we find the… Continue reading

When Means Become Ends: Chasing Our Tails

Sociology and political professor Hartmut Rosa in a paper entitled “Two Versions of the Good Life and Two Forms of Fear” wrote the following: In a way, we moderns resemble a painter who is forever concerned about improving his materials—the colors and brushes, the air conditions and lighting, the canvas… Continue reading

The Kingdom of God and the Gospel

(12 minutes) Intro: New Testament scholars unanimously agree that Jesus’ message and ministry were all about what he called “the Kingdom of God.” But what did Jesus mean by the Kingdom of God? As Christians we choose to be followers of Christ. How can we be his followers if we… Continue reading

Validity More Than Relevance

(12 minutes) In an extraordinary interview with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel just weeks before he died, the great philosopher and biblical scholar said that religion must have validity more than mere relevance. Today, there are many calls to relevance. I’ve noticed that I have referred to the necessity of relevance… Continue reading