• Change of Address
    This blog has moved to an 'online forever' home, no longer being updated here after August 4, 2024, as the randomscreenful.us domain will soon be expiring. Please bookmark the new address at ronzorn2.wordpress.com

Cosmic and Communal Shalom

The Second Sunday in Advent is traditionally associated with peace. There are two Advent sermons on the blog focusing on peace as well as a three-part series entitled “Shalom” I wrote in August of 2021. In today’s article I want to share insights on shalom by Walter Brueggemann, the greatest… Continue reading

Country and God, Part One (Amos 7:10-27)

Read the Scripture Sometime around 760-750 BCE a man from the kingdom of Judah was called by God to become a prophet. This call marked the beginning of Israelite Classical Prophecy, one of the most amazing and influential religious movements in the history of the world. The prophet was a… Continue reading

Genesis 1:1-12:9 “The First Things” (Letting Go in Order to Receive) Part 17

Throughout our study of these opening chapters of Genesis we have discovered traditions with roots going back many, many years. We have also seen how some of the stories in these chapters may have been used at various junctures of Israel’s history. For example, the Adam and Eve story at… Continue reading

Why Eschatology is Important (Part One)

My fellow liberal Christians are puzzled by one aspect of my approach to theology. I have always had an interest in eschatology and believe that it is a vital and indispensable part of our faith. Liberals on the whole see little need to speculate about “the Last Things.” In fact,… Continue reading

Amos 5: 21-24 “Deciding What Belongs to Whom”

(22 minutes) Around 760 BCE in a small, insignificant village in Judah, a most monumental event occurred. A shepherd was called by God to prophesy in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This shepherd did not belong to any of the prophetic guilds—in other words, he had no “professional” training. But… Continue reading

Jeremiah 1:4-10 “Relinquishing the Old, Receiving the New”

Imagine if you will that you are a teenage boy some 2600 years ago in the Kingdom of Judah and God’s word comes to you in a powerful and unmistakable way. God says, “You are to be my prophet to the nations.” Like Jeremiah you would probably protest–“I am too… Continue reading