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Galatians 6:11 18 “The Freedom to Die … and to Live”

(This sermon was delivered on a July 4. I took this opportunity to talk about a greater freedom than what we cherish in our country. The freedom we have in Christ is paradoxical. A paradox is something which on the surface seems to be a contradiction, but on deeper reflection… Continue reading

A Message for Graduates…and All the Rest of Us

[When I was pastor of the Wabash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) I wrote this article on July 7, 1993, for the church newsletter. I wish so much that someone had given me a message like this when I graduated from high school and college—and to be honest, from seminary… Continue reading

Exodus 6:1-15 “Risky Freedom”

The background to our passage is the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. Those descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have suffered the harshness of slavery for centuries. Generation after generation has cried out for freedom. The Hebrews experience despair, agony, humiliation, suffering and, perhaps worst of all, hopelessness. The… Continue reading

God’s Initial Aim

The Bible constantly surprises and even at times shocks anyone who reads it with an open mind and a receptive heart. Among the biggest surprises is the number of times in the Hebrew Scriptures God negotiates with God’s people and even drastically changes the Divine Mind. Such a God does… Continue reading