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Maundy Thursday: Love and Forgiveness

Maundy Thursday is observed in many churches in the form of a modified Passover meal which includes the Lord’s Supper/Communion. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin term mandatum which means “commandment.” (Our word “mandate” is based on this Latin word.) Maundy refers to the “new commandment” which Jesus gave… Continue reading

Matthew 5:43-48 “Love Your Enemies?”

It’s right there in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus calls us to love our enemies because God loves God’s enemies. Jesus further states that as we love our enemies, we become children of God. The Greek actually says we shall become “sons of God.” Jesus’ Jewish culture had not… Continue reading

Punished for or by Our Sins?

Franciscan priest Richard Rohr in his provocative book entitled The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope for and Believe says that “humans are punished by their sins more than for their sins.” This astute observation has several important implications. Tragically, an astonishing number of… Continue reading

Appropriate Guilt

Not too many years ago it was fashionable to view guilt as an unhealthy legacy from a superstitious and unhappy past—from a time which we moderns were prepared to leave behind. Guilt was seen as neurotic, masochistic, and without any redeeming purpose in the lives of individuals or in the… Continue reading

Luke 6:12-19 “The Gift of Community”

In solitude we heard the voice of God calling us God’s beloved. We experienced unconditional love as God embraced us as we are. And we realized our solidarity with the rest of humanity. We are far more alike than we are different, and by the grace of God our salvation… Continue reading