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Psalm 65 “Thanksliving”

Like many of you, I have lots of wonderful memories surrounding Thanksgiving. Most of them are centered around the table of my boyhood home where immediate and extended family feasted on wonderful food, binding memories, and hearty laughter. I also remember the fall leaves (autumn comes a little later in… Continue reading

Genesis 4:1-16 “The First Things” (Where is Your Brother?) Part 11

We now come to our third story in Genesis—the story of Cain and Abel. The origins of this story probably explain the violent competition for land between herders and farmers at the beginning of civilization. Farmers need land to cultivate. Sheep herders need land to graze their sheep. Historically, even… Continue reading

I John 4: 7-12 “Sacred Love “

Lewis Smedes once wrote, “Yahweh is the sort of God who sticks with what He is stuck with.” Any love that does not “stick with what it is stuck with” is not sacred and soon surrenders its splendor. A sacred love is precious, deep, and sacrificial. It’s unconditional and goes… Continue reading

Revelation 5: 1-14 “Worthy is the Lamb”

John tells us what he sees in his vision.  In the right hand of God he sees a scroll, written on both sides and sealed with 7 seals.  And of course the crucial questions are, “What is the scroll? What does it represent? What is written on the scroll?”  The… Continue reading

Galatians 1:1-12 “Lying About God”

Paul was angry when he wrote Galatians. We can tell that by how he introduced this epistle. All of Paul’s letters begin the same way. He opened his letters with a greeting (usually “grace and peace”) and then gave thanks for those persons to whom he was writing. First the… Continue reading

The Virtue of Freedom

All our early American leaders had read Montesquieu, who differentiated despotism from monarchy from democracy. In each of these forms of society he found a governing principle: for despotism it was fear, for monarchy it was honor, and for democracy it was virtue. Because freedom was practically synonymous with virtue,… Continue reading