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    This blog has moved to an 'online forever' home, no longer being updated here after August 4, 2024, as the randomscreenful.us domain will soon be expiring. Please bookmark the new address at ronzorn2.wordpress.com

The Eternal Infancy of God

When we say God is “eternal,” we mean that God is eternally young. (Meister Eckhart) The traditional image of God as an old man encrusted in tradition and sitting on a throne encased with the cobwebs of eternity just doesn’t seem appropriate at Christmas when we celebrate the coming of… Continue reading

Matthew 6:34 “One Very Small Thing”

I believe Etty Hillesum was one of those rare people whose epitaph could read “In the worst of times she did the best of things.” The cruel, depraved, hate-filled world of Nazi Europe was the time and space in which she had to live. And in spite of all the inhumanity she witnessed and suffered, Etty Hillesum reached out in love and compassion to her fellow humans, forgave those who dealt cruelly with her and her people, and found in the Living God more power, truth, and love than I can ever imagine possible. Continue reading

Show and Tell

John Powell, a Jesuit priest and psychologist, told of his experience with the death of his father. It was during a cold January in a small hospital that Powell’s father breathed his last. Powell was supporting his father in his arms while his mother was seated by the bedside praying…. Continue reading