If religion compels your support

if religion compels your support

Think Progress reports: Trump and the Religious Right have made the Religious Left unavoidable.

These days, nobody’s laughing at the Religious Left.


Granted, the core catalyst for this shift was something few expected: the election of Donald Trump. His rise caught many by surprise, and sparked innumerable signal fires within activist spheres—a metaphorical call to arms against an enemy who threatens virtually every progressive cause at once.


One year later, that shift — combined with continued support for Trump among many evangelical leaders — has proven to be a game-changer for the lefty faithful. Although many have mistakenly lifted up a hypothetical Religious Left as a mirror image of the Religious Right (which attained power over the years through electoral victories), progressive people of faith found themselves at their most influential as agents of protest, not power accumulation. When secular activists sounded the horn to mobilize against Trump, a bellowing symphony of shofars, church choirs, and koras had already filled the air.


At long last, the Religious Left has awakened.


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If religion compels your support
for a rotten regime that would thwart
the fulfillment of freedom
by piling excretum
on top, then it’s time to abort.

Mary Boren, 12/13/17