When you hear that Obamacare’s failing

“Growing evidence suggests that the markets are far from collapse. Because of how the subsidies work, people were generally shielded from this year’s higher prices, and enrollment is steady. Several recent analyses argue that this year’s increase was a market correction, and that a smoother market would follow in the years ahead.”


No, Obamacare Isn’t in a ‘Death Spiral’
The New York Times



When you hear that Obamacare’s failing
Using stats that the truth keeps derailing
Consider the facts
Before it gets axed:
Most insurers see profits prevailing.

© 2017 Susan E. Eckenrode


A Moment of Wishful Thinking

Just trump the term “Obamacare”
and stick with ACA,
’cause thus it was and thus it is;
it’s working every day.
Why not retain the good and where
it isn’t, make it better?
Your legacy can still be deemed
a positive trend setter
for future presidents to see
a man of true compassion.
(Retain your present course and find
your past will keep rehashin’.)

Your promises to shake things up
could bring you real acclaim
around the world if you’d aspire
to make your famous name
synonymous with empathy
for every living thing.
You’re president…for good or ill.
Which future will you bring?


© Susan E. Eckenrode, 2017

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