Now McMaster is skewing the facts.

In one fell swoop, Trump revealed his abject unfitness and exposed McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and deputy national security adviser Dina Powell — all who personally attempted to knock down the story — as dishonest hacks.


It is not unreasonable to ask whether McMaster, a lieutenant general who was previously seen as one of the few credible voices in the administration, can now serve the country and protect it from an unfit president only by resigning.


McMaster and Tillerson are complicit in Trump’s dishonesty, so must they resign?
Jennifer Rubin, Opinion, The Washington Post


Now McMaster is skewing the facts.
His duplicitous hornswoggling smacks
of trumpian gall
and he’s caught in the thrall
as his stellar integrity cracks.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/16/17


While schmoozing two Russians last week

Last Wednesday, security experts nearly had a conniption when they realized that President Trump had welcomed Russian state media into the Oval Office. It turns out that was the least of the security breaches that day.




Trump’s disclosure of the sensitive details, withheld even from American allies, to Russia, an uneasy rival in the Middle East, is yet another jawdropping misstep by a president whose administration thus far is best viewed as a series of errors and gaffes.


Trump Revealed Highly Classified Information to Russian Officials
The Atlantic



While schmoozing two Russians last week,
the POTUS allowed them a peek
at intel on Isis
creating a crisis
of trust among allies we seek.

Susan E. Eckenrode, 5/15/17